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The next morning
Stormies POV

I woke up and woke Mark up. "Are we gonna go to the school today?" I asked. He nodded "otherwise he'll be in isolation all week. I can't believe we didn't notice." He sighed I nodded. "Why didn't he tell us?" I whispered. Mark shook his head "God knows. We'll talk to him this morning." He sighed. "We'll call the school and say we're coming in" I told him. Mark sat up and shook his head "they'll make us wait. Like they did when Ryland went through bullying. We're gonna go in and sort it out today" he sighed. I nodded "come on. We better wake him up"

Usually I would walk in. Shake him. Pull the covers off and tell him to wake up before walking him down to breakfast. But today, it's different. I sat on the side of his bed and shook him gently. "Ross. Honey" I whispered. "Ross sweetheart. Time to get up" I told him. He groaned and rolled onto his stomach before opening his eyes. I rubbed his back "morning buddy. You feeling okay?" Mark asked. He nodded and yawned. "Come on. Let's go have breakfast yeah?" Mark smiled. Ross yawned and nodded slightly. Mark lifted him up and we all walked downstairs. "We're gonna go into school today okay? We'll sort the bullying out" I told him as Mark placed him on the couch. Ross nodded  he usually doesn't talk in the morning. "What dyou want for breakfast?" Mark asked our son. Ross shrugged before falling asleep again "hey no. Don't go back to sleep buddy" Mark laughed, waking him up again. Ross jumped awake and Mark lifted him onto his lap. He isn't usually this tired in the morning. "Did you sleep okay last night?" I asked Ross. He shook his head "bad dream" he whispered. I sighed and kissed his head. "Dyou wanna stay off today?" Mark and I asked at the same time. Ross giggled but shook his head. "Let's have some breakfast okay?"


We got to the school later than it usually starts and Ross held my hand. We walked towards the office and I sat ross on the couch as I walked to the front desk. Mark stood next to Ross with his arms folded. "Hi what can I help you with?" The receptionist said. "We need to speak to the principal." I told her. "Have you got an appointment?" She asked. "No it's an emergency" Mark snapped. "I'm afraid I can't let you in unless you have an appointment" she told us. "We need to see him about Ross" I told her. She looked at Ross "I'm afraid it will have to wait. He's late so if he could go up to-" Mark cut her off "he's not coming into school unless we speak to the principal." He snapped. The receptionist sighed "I'll see if you can" she told us. We smiled at each other before sitting down. Ross leaned onto me and I kissed his head "we'll sort it" I assured. "I promise"

20 minutes later

Ross was reading a book to Mark when the principal walked out and smiled at us. "Shall we go into my office?" He asked. We nodded and smiled. Mark lifted Ross up "Ross why don't you head up to class?" The principal asked. "No. It involves him" Mark told him. We walked into the office and took a seat. I read the thing on his desk 'Mr Smith' "right. So what's the problem?" He asked. "Ross. Tell him" I encouraged. Ross bit his lip "erm. I-I'm being bullied" he whispered. Mr Smith looked concerned. "By who Ross?" "Tony" he whispered. Mr smith sighed "Ross. Are you serious?" He snapped. Ross looked up in shock. "Excuse me?" I snapped. "Ross punched Tony in the face and you want me to believe that he's being bullied by him?" Mr smith raised one eyebrow. "Tony admitted to it last night." Mark snapped. "Mr Lynch. We'll talk to Tony but as of now. Ross will continue to be in isolation and be punished for his actions" mr smith told us. "Well it looks like he won't be coming to school until you speak to Tony." Mark snapped before scooping out crying son up and leaving the room. I glared at the principal. "Incase you're wondering, the reason Ross hasn't been eating is because of Tony. The reason Ross has been silent was because of Tony and the reason tony was punched was because he tried to hurt Ross. It is not fair that you'll believe him but not our son. Tony admitted everything to us last night and my sons and his parents were there. I thought Ross was the bully at first too but after last night I feel horrible for thinking that. My son is not a bully. Get that through your thick skull and deal with it." I snapped before standing up and leaving the room, slamming the door behind me.

I was walking back towards the office to leave school when two 5th graders stopped me. "You're Ross' mom right?" A blonde one asked. I nodded. "Ross didn't punch that kid for no reason. It was in self defence. We helped him when that kid flushed him and they steal his lunch money and everything. Don't punish him please." A brunette one told me. I smiled softly. "We know. Thank you. Could you go and tell that to the principal?" I asked. They nodded "why?" The blonde asked. "He refuses to believe him. We need witnesses." I explained. They both nodded "of course. This schools the worst for dealing with bullies. Is Ross okay?" The brunette asked. I nodded "yeah he will be. Thanks so much boys"

I walked into the office and saw Ross in marks arms. Mark looked beyond angry but was stroking ross' hair to spots him. "Come on" I sighed. "Let's get him home For now"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2017 ⏰

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