Annoucing it!

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Stormies POV

"We'll have to tell people" Mark told us as I made breakfast. We were all sitting in the kitchen talking about Ross. He was still asleep upstairs. I'm not really surprised,It was a long night especially for such a small child. "How D'you think they're gonna react?" Rydel asked. "I don't know" I replied honestly. "Well,we have an interview today. Let's tell them then"

Ross woke up around 11:30. I gave him waffles and milk for breakfast and got him dressed. He started to walk over to the corner "Ross. You don't have to sit there" I reminded him. He turned around and looked at me. "Sorry I forgetted" He smiled. I smiled "Mommy. Can you play tea parties with me and Rydel later?" He asked. I smiled and nodded "Okay."

Me and Ross were playing with his trains when everyone got home. "Everyone knows" Rocky smiled,lifting Ross up and kissing his head. "How did they all react?" I asked as rocky placed Ross back on the floor. "They're all taking it pretty well" Ryland told me. He showed me some of the replies. 'Awh! So cute! Where's the picture?!' 'Ahhh. Show us!!!' 'Omg can't wait to see him!' I smiled there was lodes more. "Rydel!!" Ross giggled,running over to Rydel "Tea party picnic?" He asked with big hopeful eyes. Rydel smiled down at him "Yep! Let's go get everything"

Rydel's POV

Me and Ross set up the blanket and the tea cups with the tea pots and food. Mostly cakes and cookies. I love having Ross around. I didn't really play with my brothers when they were younger so it's good being able to play with Ross. And I am old enough to take him out and I can spoil him with lodes of new stuff. The best part about having a little brother. Mom walked outside and sat down with us and put a hat on Ross' head to protect him from the sun. Ross giggled as I pulled out my phone. I went on Instagram and took a picture of the picnic and Ross' feet on the blanket. I captioned it 'Rydel's and Ross' tea picnic! Come join!!' I posted it and we all started to eat.

After about an hour we all went inside. Ross ran over to riker and dived into his lap. Riker laughed and hugged him. "Tired" Ross mumbled as I took his tiny shoes off. Riker laughed softly "why don't you have a little nap. It's only 3" Ross nodded as I threw Riker a blanket. He wrapped it around Ross and kissed the three year olds head.

Within minutes Ross was passed out. "Guys. I have an idea" I told the boys. Rocky,Ratliff and Ryland were playing video games while Riker was on his phone, Ross still asleep on his chest. "What?" Ryland asked. "I think each week we should take a picture of a little bit more of Ross." I told them. Rocky laughed "What D'you mean Rydel?" I rolled my eyes. "Okay so today I took a picture of his feet,next week we take a picture of his legs downward then a picture of his neck downward the next week and then the next week a picture of all of Ross" I explained. I thought it would be a good idea for the fans. Ryland smiled "That sounds awesome"

3 weeks later.

Ross has settled in really well. He still gets nightmares from time to time but he's okay once he gets back to sleep. He sometimes makes his way into one of our rooms so we can cuddle and assure him Alyssa and Michael aren't coming to get him. It scares him so much. If murder was legal I would have killed both of them by now. Today is the picture of all of Ross to reveal to the world. Mom is going to take a picture of all us and Ross to post on her Instagram. Some fans have even made a countdown to when we're gonna reveal him. The haters have been hating on Ross and threatening to kill him but mom and dad sorted it out and made sure Ross didn't see the comments. He can read small words.

I woke up around 10:30 and saw Ross sitting on my floor, staring at the carpet. He was in his bear onesie which I bought him. It's so cute! It has a hood with ears and a little tail at the back. I couldn't stop myself from buying it. I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and took a picture of him. "What're you doing Rossybear?" I asked. He looked up at me which caused his hood to fall down, leaving his blonde hair a mess "I getted bored. Can we play?" He asked hopefully. "After breakfast. Shall we go eat?" I asked. he nodded so I got out of bed and took him downstairs.

After breakfast I took him upstairs to get ready. I bathed him,brushed his teeth and took him to his bedroom. I dressed him in a white R5 shirt with the logo on it,black jeans and Nemo socks. We've started putting him in pull-ups because he never got fully potty trained but moms teaching him. So far he's doing really well and hardly ever go's I'm his pull up Once he was ready I let him play on my phone in my room while I got ready. I wore a pink and white flowery dress and had my hair in pig tails.

Once we were all ready mom got us on the couch for a photo. Ross stood at the side as Mom took the first picture of just me,Riker,Rocky and Ryland. Then Ross ran over and sat on my lap. "Ready?" Mom asked. We all nodded and smiled. Mom took at picture and posted the two photos on Instagram and twitter captioned

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