Dancing and drama

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1 month later
Stormies POV

Tonight is Riker's first dance on Dancing with the stars and we're all going down to watch. He's met Allison before at the Teen Choice Awards and they're good friends.
I walked up to Ross' room and saw him playing with his crayons and colouring. "Baby,time to get ready for DWTS" I told him. He looked up and nodded. "Okay momma"

Ross was dressed in a blue button up shirt and white jeans with black converse. "You look too grown up" I exclaimed. He giggled as I brushed his hair. Once his hair was neat,i carried him downstairs. He yawned. It was 8:30 and he's usually in bed for 8:00.

We arrived at dancing with the stars and sat in our seats. When rikers and Allison's dance started Ross squealed "It's Rikey" he exclaimed. I nodded and kissed his head.

At the end of the show I carried a half asleep Ross to Riker's trailer where I saw him and Allison talking. "Hey. You two did great" I told them,kissing riker's head "Thanks stormie" Allison smiled. I smiled back as the others walked in. We all met Allison's family and we explained that we adopted Ross. Riker was laughing at something rocky had said when I felt Ross' head fall from my shoulder. I smiled "I better get munchkin home. See you all later" I told them,standing up and readjusting Ross on my shoulder. "D'you want me to give you a ride?" Mark asked. I shook my head "Stay here,ill walk it's not that far" I assured. Rocky raised an eyebrow "I can carry him home,if you want" He suggested I shook my head "He weighs barely anything"

On the way home,i got a few odd stares and a few women smiled and cooed over Ross. When we arrived home,i unlocked the door,walked in and took Ross up to his bedroom. I turned his light on and lay him on top of the covers. I started to undress him when he screamed. His eyes shot open and he crawled across the bed to the corner "I'm sorry" he sobbed. I lifted him up "Shh,its alright" I soothed. I rocked him in my arms and within minutes he was passed out again. I got him in his pyjamas and lay him under his covers. "Night my baby boy" I kissed his head,Turned on his nightlight and left the room.

Mark and the kids got back around midnight. "We're through at the moment" Riker told me. "That's great! I'm really proud of you honey"


I woke up and saw Ross sitting at the end of the bed. "honey,how long you been sitting there?" I asked. "Since that clock said 4" he told me. I sighed "Honey you've been there for awhile. Why?" I asked. "I did a two" he told me. "Did you? In your pull up?" He shook his head smiling "Potty" he giggled. I smiled "Well done baby boy" I laughed. he smiled and I lifted him up. "Come on. let's go eat."


"Momma" I heard. I turned around and saw Ross standing at the kitchen door. "Yeah?" I replied,crouching next to him. "Feel sick" he mumbled. I lifted him up "Where?" I asked. He pointed at his nose and head. "I think someone has a cold. Are you tired?" I asked. He nodded. "Mark!" I shouted. Within a few seconds my husband entered the kitchen. "Ross needs cuddles and I'm making dinner. Poor babies got a cold" I told him. Mark shot Ross a sympathetic look. "Come on buddy." he whispered,taking Ross into his arms. Ross whimpered before lying his head into marks shoulder.


Ross was in bed while the rest of us were downstairs watching a movie. He was feeling much better after he took a nap. "Mommy!" I heard. It was from upstairs. "MOMMY!!" This time it sounded pained. Me and Mark ran up the stairs where we saw Ross lying on the floor and a man standing over him. Mark ran at the man and pushed him down as I ran to Ross. He was barley awake and was bleeding from his nose. "I'll call the police" Riker exclaimed as he ran in. I nodded as I cradled a crying Ross. "baby. It's okay" I soothed. Rocky and Ryland were helping Mark pin the man down,Rydel was wiping up Ross' nose and Riker was talking to the police. "Who are you?" I asked the man. "Michael Carter. That's dad" He told me,pointing at Ross. Mark looked ready to kill. "Not anymore!" He exclaimed. The police burst into the room and took the man away. A police Lady ran over and crouched next to us. I felt something damp on my hand,that was on the side of Ross' face. I pulled my hand away and saw blood coming from Ross' ear. "We have to take him to a hospital." The woman said,picking Ross up.


We sat in the waiting room while the doctors were checking Ross. Ryland was asleep on the chairs,Rydel was on the phone To ellington,Riker was leaning on Mark asleep with A sleeping Rocky on his lap. Ross had a bit of bleeding in the brain hut they managed to stop it. Apparently he got out of surgery about an hour ago. They just want to make sure he's okay and stable before letting us see him. The doctor walked over to us and smiled. "You can go and see him. He's still unconscious but he'll be okay." He told us. "When will he be able to go home?" Mark asked as he woke the boys up. "Probably in a few days to a week."

We walked into the room and I saw my Ross unconscious with a bandage over his head and hair. "Awh my poor baby boy"

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