Party and Doctors

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Ross' POV

"Your rooms nice Rossy" Connor smiled. I smiled too. "Thank you." Connor sat on my bed and I joined him "who's Birfday is it?" He asked. "Vanni's. She's riker's girlfriend" I smiled. Connor nodded and hugged me. "Boys?" We heard. The door opened and Rydel walked in with Ellington. "Vanni's gonna be here soon. You two gonna come down?" She asked. We nodded and she left the room. Connor intertwined out fingers and we both smiled before walking downstairs.

We got there and everyone looked at us "aw" Rydel squealed. Both me and Connor looked confused. "What?" I asked. "You two are so cute" Ell laughed. "We know. You always call me cute what's the different?" I asked before leading Connor to the kitchen. "Your sisters weird" he whispered. "I know" I giggled. "Hey boys" rocky smiled. We both smiled up and he glanced at mommy who had her back turned to us. "Cookie?" He whispered. Me and Connor both nodded with a smiled. Rocky glanced at mommy again before grabbing two cookies and giving them to us both. We both smiled "thank you" we both whispered before walking into the living room. "Vanni's here!"


Connor and I were sitting on the grass in the back yard. That's the only place the music isn't very loud. "Are you tired?" He asked "yeah" I frowned "me too" he said. "I'm cold too" I mumbled. He nodded "maybe if we huddled together like the penguin do we will stay warm" he suggested. I nodded and we moved closer together "I love you lots Rossy. You're my favourite" he whispered "I love you too Connor. You're my favourite too" I whispered back. "Boys?" We heard. We both looked towards the door and saw Vanni. "What're you both doing out here?" She asked "it loud" I mumbled "and we're tired" Connor finished. Vanni smiled softly "shall I take you both up to bed.  I'll turn the music off and we'll be quiet" she told us, stroking both our hairs "but it's your birfday" Connor mumbled. "And I've had a really good one. And it'll be even better knowing that I helped my two favourite boys get to sleep" she told us. We both nodded slightly and held onto her hands. Vanni led us inside and upstairs to my room. "Get in your jamas" she smiled. Within seconds me and Connor were in our pyjamas and were climbing into bed. We cuddled together and Vanni kissed both our heads "love you lots. Sleep well" she smiled "love you too. Happy Birfday" Me and Connor said as our eyes drooped. Vanni left and I fell asleep.


I woke up just as Connor woke up. "Tired" I mumbled. Connor nodded. My bedroom door opened and mommy and Connors mommy walked in "good morning sleepy heads. Or should we say afternoon" mommy laughed. Cheryl laughed too. "You two have been asleep for a long time. Me and Connor have to go" Cheryl told me. I nodded and reached for mommy who lifted me up "and you've got a doctors appointment" mommy told me. I nodded as Cheryl picked Connor up and mommy handed her his bag. "What D'you say to Stormie?" "Thank you Stormie" Connor said. He looked at me "see you tomorrow Rossy. Love you lots" he smiled,hugging me from Cheryl's arms. I smiled "love you too" I smiled. Cheryl and Connor left and mommy put me in the bath.


"You've grown Ross. That's a good sign" the doctor told me. I nodded smiling. "You're getting tall. Soon you'll be as tall as mommy" he laughed. I smiled and nodded. "You're also the perfect weight for your height. But you need a shot" he told me. "Will it hurt?" I wondered. "Only a pinch. You can pinch me afterward" he smiled. I nodded and he pulled my t-shirt up. He cleaned my arm and I looked at mommy as she smiled. I smiled back. "Okay. It'll only hurt a little bit." I looked at the floor as I felt a pinch in my arm. "All done" the doctor smiled. I looked at him and smiled. "D'you want to pinch me?" He asked as he placed a monkey bandaid on my arm. I shook my head "it never hurt" I smiled. He smiled and nodded as he placed me on the floor. "D'you want a sticker?" He asked. I nodded furiously as he passed me a sticker with superman on it. I smiled widely "thank you" he chuckled. "It's okay. Stay safe Ross" I smiled and nodded as mommy grabbed my hand "cmon then Rossy"

Mommy sat me in the car and started driving. "You were very brave sweetheart." She smiled. "Can I have a McDonalds?" I asked. Mommy smiled "of course. We'll go to the drive thru" mommy smiled. I nodded before looking out the window.

We got home with McDonald's for us. Mommy helped me out of the car and we walked inside. Daddy was on the couch watching TV. "Hey buddy" daddy smiled. "Hi dada. We got McDonald's" I told him as mommy got his food out. "Thank you. How was the doctors bud?" He asked. "He stabbed me with a needle but I didn't hurt much" I told daddy as I placed a fry in my mouth "he was very brave" mommy smiled. Daddy smiled and patted my head "well done buddy"

After the McDonalds me and daddy played in the back yard while mommy did the laundry. After we played tag, daddy lifted me up.  "It's late. Shall we bath you now?" Daddy asked. I nodded slightly. We walked inside and daddy put me in the bath.

2 hours later

I was in bed. I couldn't sleep. Daddy came upstairs and mommy followed. "Shall we check on him?" Mommy whispered. "No. Let's just go to bed" my eyes started dropping. "okay. We have Gotta be up early for school" mommy laughed. My eyes drooped more and I slowly fell asleep.

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