Problems and parents

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Stormie POV

"We have to swap his room. Lock his windows at the least" Riker whispered,stroking Ross' hand. "Yeah. The police told me that we have to go to a trial in 6 months" Mark told us. I nodded. "I need him to wake up" I whispered. Mark rubbed my back. "SHH it's alright"


"He would've been safer if we didn't adopt him" I sobbed into Marks chest. All the kids were asleep and me and Mark were cuddling on the armchair in the room. "Shh. Honey it's okay" he soothed. "No Mark. We shouldn't have adopted him." I sobbed. "Y-Y-You-You're S-S-Se-Se-Sen-Sending m-me B-B-Ba-Back-ck-ck?" I heard Ross stutter. I turned around quickly and saw him awake. "No. No! Baby boy of course not!" I told him. "B-Bu-Bu-But Y-Y-You D-do-don-t-t w-wa-wa-want M-Me-e-e" he stuttered. I shook my head "No. We just thought that it's our fault this happens to you" Mark told him. "B-B-Bu-But-t-t I-It's-s-s-s N-N-No-no-Not-t-t" he stuttered. "We know. We're gonna take extra care of you now baby boy"


Everyone woke up around 7. We spoke to Ross' doctor about his stuttering and he told us that it's just because the bleeding in his brain affected his speech but he'll recover within a couple weeks. Ross was sitting on his bed as he did a puzzle. His hands were shaky and he was leaning on cushions because of how weak he was. He'll have to do physical therapy for his arms and legs because of his brain aswell. "Mo-Mo-Mom-Mommy. C-ca-can-n Y-Y-You-ou h-h-h-he-he-hel-help m-m-me?" Ross asked. I smiled and nodded. I helped him finish his puzzle and within a few minutes we were done. I looked at Ross and saw him with tears pouring down his face. "honey? What's wrong?" I asked. Ross sniffed "Buddy. What's wrong?" Mark asked. "I-I-I'm S-S-St-Stu-P-P-Pi-d" he stuttered. "No you're not" I soothed. "I-I-I a-a-am-m" "How?" Mark asked. "I-I-I c-C-Ca-Ca-Can-N-Nt T-Ta-Ta-Talk-k-k G-G-Go-Go-Good-d-d" he stuttered. "You know why?" Riker asked. "C-C-Cu-Cuz-z-z I-I'm S-S-Stu-Stu-Stup-id-d" Ross stuttered. "No. Because you hit your head. When I hit my head I can't talk proper either" Riker told his younger brother. "Ross. Riker can't talk Properly anyway" Rydel told ross,which resulted in a giggle. I smiled. "Listen. You can talk fine. As soon as you feel better you will be able to talk perfectly" Ryland told him. "O-O-Ok-Okay" Ross smiled. Rocky smiled and hugged his youngest brother. Riker looked at Rydel. "Hey! I can speak Properly"


"Can you touch my arm honey?" The nurse asked ross. Ross slowly reached up and tried to touch the nurses arm. After a few moments he grabbed it and Mark and I smiled. "Well done buddy" Mark smiled. Ross smiled slightly. He'd been doing physical therapy for an hour and a half and so far he's done really well. "Hold Mommy's and Daddy's hands okay?" The nurse told him. Ross nodded and grabbed my right hand and marks left. "Now. Can you try standing?" The nurse suggested. Ross nodded slightly. He pulled himself up so he was standing "Good boy" I smiled. Ross smiled as the nurse took his hands in hers. "You're very strong for such a little boy Ross" She smiled. Ross giggled. "Try walking with me okay?" Ross smiled and nodded. "Mr Lynch. Can you stand behind him?" the nurse asked. Mark nodded before standing behind Ross. Ross smiled up at him. "Take a step" The nurse encouraged. Ross slowly took a step. "And another" He took another step. "Can you try without holding my hands?" The nurse asked. Ross nodded slightly. The nurse let go of Ross' hands and he slowly tried to take a step. Ross took about 4 steps before falling down into marks arms. "Good boy!" Mark exclaimed as Ross yawned and leaned onto his shoulder. "He's done really well. In all my years of working here I have never seen a little boy as strong as him" she told us. "He is pretty strong" I smiled,running a hand through Ross' hair. The nurse nodded. "You can say that again"


Ross was on the bed as he tried to eat a sandwich. "D'you want some help?" Mark asked. "P-P-Pl-Please" Ross answered. Mark smiled and started to feed Ross his sandwich.
Once Ross was finished I helped him get changed into his own pyjamas instead of the hospital gown. "Baby. Are you tired?" I asked. Ross shook his head but I saw how tired he was. "Rossy" "Wh-Wha-Wha-What I-I-if h-he g-g-ge-ge-gets-s-s m-m-me?" he asked. "He wont" I soothed. Ross nodded before lying down.

2 weeks later

Ross has been at home for a week now,he can talk better but still stutters on certain words. He also needs help walking to some places and we need to help him as much as possible. R5 have had a lot of interviews and Ross has gotten a lot of new toys from fans and famous friends of R5 after they heard about what happened.

"Ross!" I yelled from the kitchen. I saw him slowly limp into the kitchen. "Hi Mo-Mommy" He smiled. I smiled and held him hand. "What Are w-we do-doing?" He asked. "We are going to the park with Delly"

Go check out my other story 'help' please 💕

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