Sick and Accident

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Ross' POV
The next day

I sat looking at my lunch. My tummy really hurt. "Are you okay Rossy?" Connor asked me. I nodded slightly. "You're not eating your sandwich. Mommy says you always have to eat lunch" Connor told me. I shrugged and closed my lunchbox. Connor stood up "be right back Rossy" he told me,
patting my head. He ran to the teachers. I lay my head on the table. Mrs Dawson and Mr McAndrew walked over. "Hey sweetie. Connor said you're not eating lunch. What's wrong?" Mrs Dawson asked. "Feel sick" I whispered. Mr McAndrew rubbed my back "D'you feel like you're gonna be sick?" He asked. I shrugged. "Let's take you to the nurse." Mrs Dawson whispered. "But Connor" I mumbled. "I'll play with others Rossy. You're sick" he told me. I nodded before Mrs Dawson and Mr McAndrew walked me to the nurse.

I sat on the table as she felt my head "you're abit warm. How long have you been feeling sick honey?" Nurse Brittany asked. "All day" "did you tell mommy?" I shook my head. Brittany sighed. "Okay honey. I'll get you some water." She walked to the water Machine and filled up a cup. Just as she turned around, puke poured out of my mouth. "Awh honey" she whispered. I whimpered "have a lie down. I'm gonna call mommy or daddy" "they're at a meeting all day" I whimpered. "Is there anyone I could call?" She asked "rocky. Or Leca or rikey or Vanni or Delly or Ell or RyRy" I whimpered as she lay me down. She nodded and covered me with a blanket "okay honey. I'll call them"

20 minutes later.

I was curled up on the cot in the nurses office when the door opened. Rocky and Riker walked in "hey buddy. You doing okay?" Riker asked. I shook my head and he lifted me up. "Okay I don't really want him back for a couple days. Let him rest. Here's some puke bags for the car. Just Incase" Brittany smiled and handed rocky some yellow bags. "Thanks. Let's get you home buddy" rocky smiled. I nodded and leaned onto Riker as we walked to the car.

10 minute later

Riker went over a speed bump and I clutched my stomach. "Rike. I think he's gonna barf" rocky panicked. "Then help him out!" Riker exclaimed. Rocky nodded before placed a bag under my chin as I threw up. "Why don't you lie down buddy?" Rocky asked. I nodded. "We're almost home." Riker whispered. I undid my seatbelt and lay down. The last thing I heard was "RIKER!" Before everything went black

I felt a neck brace around my neck and I couldn't move. "He's burning up. we need to get him into surgery" I heard. I could hear talking all around me. "What we got?" I heard a woman ask. "5 years old. Predicted broken spine. Broken arm and major concussion. Blonde adult minor damage to head. Brunette adult completely fine apart from a broken arm and leg and concussion." "Okay. Get the adults into rooms. I'll deal with the kid" it went silent. "Okay. Let's have a look" I heard a rip and my whole body got cold. "Dr Jackson! Emergency!" The woman yelled. I forced my eyes open to see a woman standing above me as a man ran in. "His rib" the woman told me. "This needs surgery. Now" the woman looked at me. "Oh. Hey sweetie. You need to stay calm. I'm nurse Andrea. I'll be looking after you." I started moving. "Where's rikey. And rocky" I asked. "They being treated. Everything's gonna be fine. We're getting you prepped and you'll be just fine" she whispered. My eyes started drooping. "Everything will be fine." And I was out.
I slowly opened my eyes. Where am I? I looked around the room. It was colourful. I couldn't move. The door opened and the nurse from before walked in. "Oh my god. Ross. You're awake." She smiled. I blinked "Can you move?" She asked. No. I would've by now. "Blink once for yes twice for no" I blinked twice. "Okay." She had a huge smile on her face. "DR JACKSON!" She shouted. The man from before walked in "he's awake"

2 hours later

They were doing tests on me. I haven't seen mommy or daddy. I don't even know if Rikey or Rocky are okay. Nurse Andrea lifted up my hand and I moved my fingers. "That's great Ross. Can you try to move your whole arm?" Andrea asked. I tried as hard as I could and in the end lifted my whole right arm up. Andrea smiled "good. Can you try talking?" She asked. I opened my mouth "mo-mommy?" I struggled to say. She smiled. "Mommy is downstairs. With Riker and Rocky. They're having their casts off today" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Ross. You've been asleep for 2 months."

Stormies POV

I was holding Rocky's hand as he was getting his cast off. Rikers has already been taken off. The door opened and Dr Jackson walked in. "Stormie" he said. He looked serious. "What's happened?" I asked. "Ross. He's asking for you"

I ran to the children's ward and to Ross' room. Riker was with Rocky. The one time I leave him of course . I opened the door and saw Ross sitting on the hospital bed eating a sandwich and watching TV. I smiled slightly as tears appeared in my eyes "Ross?" I said. He looked at me and smiled. "Mommy" I walked over and hugged him tight "oh my love. I was so scared" I whispered. He hugged back and I kissed his head. "Are you okay? I mean are you feeling good?" I asked, looking down at my son. He looked up at me and smiled. He was so pale. So small. I looked into his hazel eyes and saw happiness. He smiled widely before saying "I'm okay mommy. I'm perfect okay"

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