Ross' First Birthday

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28th December
Stormies POV

Ross walked downstairs,tiredly. Everyone else had already woken up and were waiting for breakfast,which Rydel and I were cooking. I turned around and saw Ross in his new 'big boy' pyjamas. They were two piece,button up pyjamas with Blue spots in them. "Morning baby" I smiled. Ross smiled up at me. "My belly's making weird noises" he told me. "What D'you mean?" I asked, crouching next to him. "It's making the same noises as it did when I lived with Michael and Alyssa" he told me. "Ah. You're hungry." Rydel smiled placing some pancakes on a plate. "Oh" Ross giggled. "Rossy. Guess what!" I exclaimed,lifting the small boy in my arms. "What?" He asked,as I sat him on the counter. "You're turning 4 tomorrow!" I exclaimed. He tilted his head in confusion. "It's your birthday. Four years ago tomorrow, you were born" Ross nodded. "What happens of birfdays" he asked. Rydel laughed "You get presents and a party!" She exclaimed. Ross smiled "More presents?!" He exclaimed. "Yep." I smiled. "When do I get other presents?" He asked. "Well,You get chocolate and a teddy at Easter. And I think we're doing a half birthday for you too on the 29th of June" Rydel smiled. Ross smiled "Yay!" He exclaimed, Me and Rydel smiled at each other. "Breakfast Boys!" I yelled. Ross sat at the table as all the boys and Mark joined him along with me and Rydel. "Daddy! It's my Birfday tomorrow!" Ross exclaimed. Mark laughed. "I know silly." He told him. Ross smiled as he started to eat breakfast.

Later that day

Ross was playing in his room while me and Mark wrapped some more presents. We've been wrapping his birthday presents for about a week and only had a couple left. "Mommy!" I heard. I stood up quickly and walked into Ross' room where I saw him digging through his toy box. "Yes baby?" I asked. He looked at me with teary eyes "Where's teddy?!" He panicked. "I don't know honey. Where did you last see him?" I asked. "I don't know" he sobbed. I walked over and lifted him up. "Shh. We'll find him okay" I soothed "Promise?" He whispered. "Promise"

We walked downstairs and I started looking for the teddy. Ross was looking too and Riker walked in,holding Savannahs hand. "What you looking for?" Riker asked. "Teddy" Ross whimpered "awh. Ross. we'll help" Savannah smiled. Ross smiled and nodded.

25 minutes later

Ross was sitting on the floor In silence. We couldn't find the bear. The door opened and Rydel and Ellington walked in. "Ross. You know what I found today?" Rydel asked. Ross shook his head. Rydel opened her bag and pulled out Teddy. Ross' face lit up and he grabbed it off Rydel,hugging it. "Thank you Delly" Hd exclaimed. Me and Riker smiled at each other as Ross hugged rydel. Rydel looked confused "He got upset because he couldn't find him" savannah explained. Rydel nodded and hugged Ross back.

Later that night.

I poured the water over Ross' head and he started giggling. I smiled before wiping the water out of his eyes. He opened them with a big smile on his face. "Shall we get you out?" I asked. He nodded before standing up. I lifted him out of the bath and started to dry him when I heard "Rossss!!!!" Ross giggled as I got his big boy Pyjamas. I helped him into them. Ross opened the bathroom door quietly and tried to run but Ryland grabbed him. Ross started laughing hysterically as Ryland was tickling him. I smiled "We got you a special treat" Ryland told him. Ross nodded as they both ran downstairs. I followed and saw hot chocolate and cookies on the floor with a present. Ryland placed Ross on the floor infront of them, "Open the present then" He laughed. Ross opened it and if was a new blanket for his bed. "Awh. there's my big boy" Mark smiled, walking in and seeing Ross. Ross smiled at him. Ryland took the blanket from Ross and draped it over him so he was wrapped in it. "Enjoy baby bro"

1 hour later.

"I'll put him to bed" Riker told me as Ross climbed off my lap. "Okay honey. Good night my little baby" I smiled as I kissed Ross' head. "I'm a big boy now mommy" he smiled. Mark smiled. "You are but you'll always be my baby" I whispered. "I know" Ross giggled,kissing my cheek. I smiled,he's never kissed me before. "You head up to bed now" I smiled. Ross nodded before running over to Riker.

The next morning.

The kids,Mark and I all stood outside Ross' room. I smiled "one, two, three" we opened the bedroom door. "Happy birthday" everyone whisper yelled. Ross opened his eyes and looked at everyone before smiling. "Happy birthday buddy!" Mark exclaimed. Ross smiled before lifting his arms up for us. Riker lifted him up "You're a big boy today!" he exclaimed. Ross nodded before kissing rikers cheek. "I feel loved" Riker laughed. Ross giggled before Mark said "Let's go get your presents then"

Later that day

"Ross! What food do you want?" Mark asked,grabbing a paper plate off the pile. Ross' party had started and everyone started to show up. Ross ran over to my husband and started to pick out the food he wanted. I smiled as he walked over and sat on the floor. The door opened and Savannah Latimer walked in "VANNI!" Ross exclaimed running over. "There's my favourite boy!" Savannah smiled,hugging ross. Riker walked over "That's rude" he groaned. Vanni laughed before passing Ross the bag she was holding. "Happy Birthday" She smiled. Ross smiled before hugging her again. The door opened and Brad walked in as Ross placed the presents on the present table. Ross looked at brad and smiled "Happy Birthday!" Brad smiled. Ross ran over and hugged Brad "Thankies!" He giggled. Brad hugged Ross and handed him his present. "Help yourself to food" I told everyone. Ross ran over and hugged me "Thank you mommy. This is the bestest Birfday ever!"

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