Chapter Eight

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Neither of you spoke about almost kissing. You figured that it was a mistake. He obviously didn't mean to make a move.

You woke and felt the ache in your lower abdomen. You closed your eyes, hoping that it wasn't true. You pushed the duvet back and all you saw was blood over your white nightie.

You groaned and rubbed your face with your hands, you hated your period. The first and second day was always the worse.

You found the bathroom and ran a bath and began to clean yourself up.


"Don't come in!" You exclaimed.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" Anakin sounded worried.


You sighed softly, "Anakin it's lady problems."

He stayed silent for abit, "Let me in."

You straightened your clothes and sat on the rim of the bath, "Come in."

Anakin walked in, his hair was a mess around his face but he seemed to pull off the messy hair look. He knelt infront of you and tenderly rubbed your calves.

"I'll get a hot water bottle, some food, a blanket and some drinks, okay? We'll settle down on the couch and just chill. How does that sound?"

"Good." You nodded.


As he stood he bent forward and planted a kiss on your forehead before walking out. You sighed, mainly because of the pain, and sat in the warm bath; trying to numb yourself.

You'd spent hours in the bath, at one point you thought you'd dosed off. You climbed out of the tub and dried yourself, Anakin had told the handmaids to let you do your own thing; you were too embarrassed to let them tend to you whilst your vagina was bleeding.

You pulled on a pair of navy trousers that hung loosely around your stomach and a black shirt that was soft against your skin. You looked odd, but you didn't care.

You trudged out of the bathroom, to find Anakin lying across the sofa. He had a big, black blanket across him and food resting on the small coffee table. There was a hologram projecting of an old film called Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire, you'd watched snippets of it before but never the whole thing.

"What're you waiting for? Your seat is here." Anakin said, patting a place on the sofa.

You walked over and sat down after he moved the blanket. You felt his arms wrap around your body and he pulled you close. You were lying with your back against his chest, his back against the arm of the sofa, in between his long legs. You felt safe and secure in his embrace. 

You admittedly fell asleep after twenty minutes, with the duvet over your body snugly and Anakin's arms around you, you felt like you were in paradise.

Anakin stayed awake of course, he was concerned and worried about you. His fingers ran through your hair as he held you, he felt at peace for once. He didn't feel like a feared Sith Lord, he felt like a boy. A boy just sat with a girl, with no problems in the world.

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