Chapter One

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Sleeping was one of your hobbies. It was where you could dream about wearing the dresses of the girls you cleaned for. Where you had desperate girls clean for you everyday. Somewhere where you didn't have to get filthy to get paid hardly anything. Where you were loved. Somewhere that didn't scare you.

Sure, the cleaning got you and Sam money, but Han's smuggling earned everyone's living. You knew that Sam admired Han, secretly, because most of the time they challenged eachother. They were both talented pilots, so they constantly criticised eachother's flying methods and talents. But if you were to criticize either of their flying, they had eachothers backs in an instant. It was quite extraordinary to watch.

You were thrown off of your bed, meeting the cold, metal wall with a heavy thud. You sat up, wincing. You groaned and rubbed your head, trying to figure out what the hell just happened.

Sam burst in through the door, a panicked look smeared across her face,"(Y/N)! Are you alright?"

You nodded,"What's going on?"

"We're under attack." She said, pulling you to your feet. Her eyes fell to your clothes. She raised an eyebrow, "You went to sleep in your clothes?"

"I fell asleep in them, there's a difference." You grumbled.

"Right, anyway, stay safe and be careful." She nodded, brushing her arms down yours. She had always been like a big sister to you, ever since your brother left. But before that she was a friend.

"I wanna help!" You protested, grasping Sam's arm.

"Staying here is you helping." She said.

"I can fight too, y'know! I'm not useless."

"I know you're not useless. I never said you were." She sighed. "(Y/N) just cooperate, please."

You blew the remainder of air out of your mouth and groaned with boredom. Sure, you could fight, but you were always known as the delicate one. Even though Sam was a lot more clumsier then you, but she was a talented fighter when it came to blasters.

"Fine." You muttered, knowing full well that you would just sneak out once she was gone.

Sam left.

You grabbed your blaster and snuck out of your room. You lifted the weapon and looked at your surroundings. You held your breath in, knowing full well that you probably sounded like you were having an asthma attack.

"Shit! We lost him!" You heard Sam exclaim with exhaustion. Chewy whined with a passion of frustration.

"Yeah yeah stop whining." Han said. You could barely hear their soft conversation. Whoever was onboard was loose. You thought that you would rise to glory and kill the intruder. Then hopefully everyone would stop treating you like a child.

You were about to move when a gloved hand wrapped around your face from behind. A hand clasped around your waist as you screamed. You heard the sound of your fellow ship mates running to your aid. You tried not to breathe in the intoxicated smell on the glove, but you couldn't help it.

You passed out in your capturers arms before your friends could find you.

Boba Fett took you onto his ship.

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