Chapter Seven

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It'd been several months that you'd been with Anakin in your new underwater home. You could never admit it, but you missed your friends. You even missed all of their annoying traits.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Anakin asked, sitting across from you at the table.

"They're worth at least five," You sighed softly. "Anakin I want to go home."

"This is your home." He replied nonchalantly.

"Anakin," You raised your eyes looking at him.

He sighed,"No, it's not safe for you out there. I brought you here so that I could protect you! I'm not letting you go!"

"I'm a prisoner here Anakin!" You stood up.

"No you're not, and don't you ever say you are again! You aren't trapped here! This is your sanctuary, the place where you can want for nothing! I've offered you the world and you've just spat in my face!" Anakin stood.

"How have you offered me the world?!" You exclaimed.

"I offered you a place by my side, but you're too stubborn and you won't let me love you!" Anakin yelled. "I want you to be safe, here, with me! You're all that I have left!" He confessed.

"You'd have much more if you weren't so stubborn, if you weren't seduced by the dark side!"

"I wasn't seduced by the dark side! It's always been my fate to end up here, I chose my path, it's about time you chose yours."

"I will not stand by Sith Lord."

"Then stand by Anakin." His voice softened to a plea.

You shook you head softly, "He's in love with someone else."

Anakin looked taken back, as if he were playing out memories through his mind like a film. You took a step closer to him and raised your hand to touch his cheek,"How can I love someone who doesn't love me back?"

"She isn't coming back." Anakin's voice was weak. Standing there, with your hand on his cheek, with your body so close to his, he wasn't a Sith Lord. He wasn't Darth Vader. He was the boy who had been taken from Tatooine. He was Anakin.

"I hear you Anakin, every night, you scream and cry in your sleep. I want to fix you, but if you're not willing to be fixed then there's not much I can do." You said, your voice as soft as silk.

"Don't leave me," Anakin said. "I need you."

"I can't go, can I? So I'm not leaving."

"Good," He said, placing his hands on your waist. You stared up into his glistening eyes. His eyes fell onto your lips and then met your gaze again, he leant closer towards you. Your breath stopped for a single moment as you closed your eyes.


You were both interrupted by the food being finished. You blushed and quickly ran to get it.

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