Chapter Two

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You couldn't see a thing. You could smell the smell of leather, that was it. But could you see? No. Absolutely nothing. Everything was black. Small areas had small parts of grey from the light, but you still couldn't tell where you were.

All you knew was that Boba Fett had you.

You felt your body being lifted. You reached out, blind and confused for something to grasp. You found what felt like a bicep and clung to that with your frail strength. You could tell that you were being carried somewhere, as there was a hand beneath your legs and one on your waist.

You tried to struggle, but you'd have ended up on the floor. So you stopped. You didn't appreciate pain.

You heard low talking, a deep voice over the top of them all. You were thrown onto the floor, it was hard and hurt your face once your head hit it.

The darkness sunk over more darkness. You tried to cling to the thought of Sam and Han. Of Chewie. But you sunk in and out of consciousness.

Whilst you were out, Vader paid Boba Fett and demanded him to go. He looked at how much you'd grown. Although he had been watching you over the years, it was a shock to him. You were no longer the scruffy child who was always covered in dirt and clung to his legs. You weren't a skinny little rat. You were a growing woman.

He knelt by your unconscious body and took the bag from your head. Your hair was messy and across your face. You had dirt on your face, obviously sand.

Ugh, how Vader hated sand.

He wanted to feel your face, to touch you with his own hands. The wipe away the sand and the dirt and see your skin. That perfect skin.

But he couldn't.

He tucked his strong arm under your legs and the other firmly around your waist, holding you bridal style as he lifted your very light body off of the floor. The shirt your wore adjusted and clung to your torso. Vader saw your painfully obvious ribs.

A pang of emotion struck his body, as if Anakin had come back, but the moment passed and he carried you to your new room. He lay you on the bed, it's sheets where crisp white and felt as soft as a butterfly kiss. Your body fell limp, he stood back and ordered for a maid.

He left as she cleaned your body until it was shining like a new penny. You woke half way through the clean. You asked her questions, but she didn't talk. She dressed you in a back dress. The skirt started just under your breasts and reflected like stars. She did your hair in the vibrant way that you'd seen rich ladies wear and applied make up on your face. She painted your lips pitch black and colored your eye lids. She covered your bruised temple with the same white compact that she had used on the rest of your face.

You looked stunning.

She lead you out of the room, on the way to meet the Lord Vader.

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