Chapter Four

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It was Anakin.

Anakin Skywalker.

Your brothers best friend.

You thought he was dead. But hadn't he been killed? Whilst a Jedi hadn't a Stormtrooper killed him? Or was it the dark side that had struck him to his death?

"Anakin? Anakin Skywalker?" You muttered under your breath, your voice barely heard by anyone or anything.

The scarred boy you thought you knew shook his head, "I haven't been called that for a very long time."

"But it is you, isn't it? It's you! Anakin Skywalker. The chosen one. The one who was meant to bring a balance to the force. You used to live with my brother and I on Tatooine. You promised to come back for us, but you only took my brother-"

"Anakin Skywalker died." He said.


"He died when Padme ----'s heart stopped beating." The boy raised his head to meet your eyes, the pain in his own as clear as the fire in the sun. His hair had grew a lot since the last time you'd seen him, it was now around his ears. His face had matured, losing the baby fat that he had had. He'd turned into a handsome young man, a slender, chiseled face with a well built body.


he was broken.

Fading scars tackled his face and neck, you didn't doubt for a second that they covered his whole body. His face was emotionless, a stone replacement of the boy who frowned at the sand but smiled at you.

"But you were a Jedi, you weren't allowed to love."

"Anakin Skywalker was a human, he couldn't help his feelings just as you can't. I understand that you are angry, confused, maybe you even feel betrayed." A soft sigh left his nose. "I'm sorry that I didn't come back for you, I've watched you over the years as you've matured, and the state you lived in wasn't right for you."

You looked away from him.

"Cleaning for women who's hearts aren't worth a penny, why did you do it?" He asked you, his husky voice filling the room.

"Because it gave me money." You snapped.

"Of course, people are always blinded by money."

"Oh, and you aren't?" You raised your eyebrow at the dark lord.

"I'm not blinded by anything. With no feeling to confuse me, I can't be blinded by delusions like love and pain-"

"Why am I here?"

"Join me, (Y/N)." He said.


He continued, as if you hadn't opened your mouth and given him any kind of reply,"You are smart and brave. I need you with me. You are the last piece of Anakin that I have. I fear that he is still alive within me, maybe you could awaken him from his sleep and set things right."

He wasn't making any kind of sense.

"Anakin you're being ridiculous!" You said.

"Either way you can't go back, you have nothing to return too. Stay here, be my queen and rule the galaxy with me. I can give you anything and everything you want and deserve. Just stand by my side."

"I will never stand by such a ruthful, disgusting man!" You spat. "And you'll never change my mind. I care about Anakin Skywalker, not some power blinded dark lord who calls himself Darth Vader." You walked towards the exit door and pressed the same buttons the guard before you had pressed, and left the room.

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