
I rolled my eyes. "Big ugly building in New York, ring a bell?"

And then it hit Steve. "Stark Tower," he said firmly.

"Ding ding ding! We have a winner!" I said sarcastically causing Steve to glare at me.

"Where are we going, Rose?!"

"To get me a co-pilot!"


The door opened to reveal a more Nat-looking Nat staring at us. "Time to go," Steve told her quickly.

"Go where?"

"Tell you on the way," I told her and she nodded.

"Can you fly one of those jets with Rose?" Steve asked her and a side door opened to reveal Clint.

"I can," he said and I grinned.

"Good to see you back, old man," I winked at him and he rolled his eyes.

"Good to see you got out of kindergarten, finally, you child," he quipped back and I laughed.

Steve gave him a wary look. "You got a suit?"


"Then suit up," he said and with that, he left.

I turned to Clint and Nat. "Don't worry, he says that a lot."


The remaining team and I, minus Tony, made our way onto a jet. The agent on board stood up at the sight of us. "Hey, you guys aren't authorised to be in here."

"Son, just dont." Steve told him and he quickly left.

"Ooh," I shuddered. "That made me shiver." Steve, Nat and Clint stared at me with an amused look. I shrugged. "Just trying to relieve the tension..."

I hopped into the co-pilots seat, turned on my earpiece and slipped on my headset as Clint took the seat beside me, firing up the engine. "Rose?" Tony's voice came through my ears.

"Hey, Tony," I greeted him as I began my pre-flight routine with Clint. "What can I do for you?"

"I'm on my way to the tower to talk to this asshole. On the off chance that I should become possessed by his magic wand, I would like to bestow upon you the honour of hitting me really hard in the head, like Barton."

Even though he couldn't see it, I clasped a hand to my heart and faked a tear. "I'm so touched you would trust me! I'd be glad to hit you in the face, brother."

"Only if compromised," Tony reminded me.

"Mmm, we'll see. Catch you later,"

"Stay safe." He said, then went radio silent.


By the time we reached New York, the Chitauri had already begun their attack, having only Tony as their opponent. Clint and I wasted no time in lowering all weapons and firing all we had at the creepy alien things.

"Can you see Loki?" Steve asked us from behind. Neither of us replied but we swiftly moved in and out of buildings towards Stark Tower.

From our distance, I could see two green and red figures moving and sparks flying - I figured Thor had returned. And then I saw a large beam of light bounce off and hit the Stark logo, the 'R' and the 'K' falling off and hitting the ground. "Hey! Stop attacking my tower!" I growled at the pair, earning a chuckle from Steve.

"Tony, we're on your three, headed north-east," I told Tony through the ear pierce.

"What, did you stop for drive-through?!" I rolled my eyes at his response. "Swing up Park. I'm gonna lay 'em out for you."

We Rise, Only To Fall / Steve RogersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora