Pen's Drawings

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September 1st...still.

Pen's Pov

My mom greeted me once I got home."Pen!How was the first day of school."

"It was fine."I grumped.

Mom suddenly had a worried look on her face."Pen,are you sure?It doesn't sound like a fine day."

I didn't answer.I just went in my room and flopped on my bed.

I'm sure my mom thinks that I'm mad about something.And it's obvious that I am.

You see,it feels like my art is underappreciated because everyone says it's style is too cute for a guy to ever make it,thus making everyone think that I'm a faggot.

I took out the paper on which I drew the cartoon pen and looked at it for a while.How in the world is this considered cute??

Ugh,I'm sure you don't know what I'm talking about.

Today at lunch,I sat with my friends Eraser,Blocky,and Snowball.I like Eraser and Blocky.However,I can't really say the same for Snowball.Snowball is mostly friends with Blocky,giving him a reason to sit with us.Anyway,I was drawing pictures of my cartoon pen,and also making cartoons for Eraser,Blocky,and Snowball.I showed it to Eraser,who really likes it.Blocky wanted to see,so he did and then he showed it to Snowball.

Snowball,like the jerk he is,laughed at the picture I made.And Blocky joined in.However,I'm not really mad at him.

"Wow!You made this!?"Snowball sneered.

"Uh...Y-Yeah."I said a bit worried.

"HAHAHAHAH you couldn't of made this! It's too cute!"

"It's not cute!"I said embarrased.

"Yes it is!It's cute!You have to be a girl to make something so damn cute!"Snowball was laughing so much as if his lungs was going to burst.Okay.He wasn't laughing that much.But I was still mad at him.

Eraser was sweating a little and giving Snowball a look so he could stop teasing me.But Snowball didn't get the message.I think Blocky was laughing too because the thought of people as objects was funny,but Snowball...

Ugh,I don't really want to talk about this anymore.

I continue looking at my picture.I then got frustrated that I have created such a thing.I then crumpled up the drawing and I tossed it in the trash.

I really need to think twice on what to draw.

October 4th.

We have been in school for about one month now.We know all our teachers,routines,our schedules,and,of course,homework...

I woke up to my alarm.Which usually meant that my mom set it for me and/or is gone for work.I put on my clothes and my backpack and I went out the door.

I walked down the sidewalk to school again.The familiar sound of bike wheels came back.I turned around to see Match and her group of girls.

"Hey!"Match called "You're like, Erasers little friend.Right?"

"Uh...yeah,"I answered."But I'm not exactly little." I'm definitely not little.I'm much taller than Eraser,and I'm probably taller than most of these girls who are biking.

One girl who caught my eye was a small,pale girl with blond hair and a light-blue sweater whispering to the pink-haired girl who's in my 1st period while making small,icy,glances at me.I couldn't really make out what she was saying.But two words she whispered stuck out to me.

[DISCONTINUED] It's a Work in ProgressWhere stories live. Discover now