My Muse

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It's finally Saturday night. The night i've been waiting hours for. The night Lauren will come to my house and draw me. Shit, it's Saturday night.

I've set up everything for Lauren, there's the easel, a chair and a few candles to set the mood. All she has to bring is her art supplies. But i'm still so nervous...

How do these things even work? She's gonna draw me - I know that, but what do I wear? I have to show off a little skin and the contours of my body, so I settle on wearing a tight t-shirt and shorts.

I check over everything, making sure my rooms presentable and tidy. I spray on some perfume and perfect my hair, right in time to answer the door.

Lauren's here.

I rush my way downstairs, take a moment to catch by breath, because i'm that unfit, and open my front door.

Lauren's standing in front of me, paper rolled up on one arm, art supplies in the other.
She's wearing her usual band shirt dotted with paint and tight black jeans. My favourite part of her to look at though is what I catch myself gazing at the most. Lauren's contenly smiling at me. She seems really happy to be here, i'm glad I make her feel comfortable.

"Hi Lauren."

"Hi Camila."

I smile widely at her, I love hearing her say my name. "Come in, it's freezing."

She swiftly makes her way in and waits for me to shut and lock my door.

"Uhh, my rooms upstairs. I didn't know if you wanted to draw me somewhere else though. The lightings pretty good in my bedroom but I don't want to assume you'd want to go up there even though it's all set up already, but I wouldn't mind changing rooms if it would make you feel more comfortable, I would hate to force you to go-"

"-You're rooms fine Camila." She says between her giggling. "You're already going above and beyond what a normal assignment partner would do."

I timidly smile and look down. "Okay."

I feel a hand tenderly hold mine, grabbing my attension.

"Let's go to your room."

I nod my head and make my way upstairs to my room, Lauren trailing behind me.

I open my bedroom door and sit on my bed. Lauren hastily makes her way in, taking in all of her surrounding and taking in everything that belongs to me.

She scans the various poster on my wall, holding artists ranging from Ed Sheeran to The XX and even one One Direction poster. Lauren giggles at that one turning around to me to give me a questioning look. What? I like their music...
She starts looking through the various books on my bookshelf. I only watch her in awe, why she cares so much as to what books I read and what music I listen to I don't know.
She picks up my favourite book 'The Book Theif'.

"That's my favourite one."

Her head immediately snaps around to meet mine as if she's almost forgotten I was there.

"I was planning on starting it. I've only heard good things about it."

"Ohh you should definitely read it." I stand up and begin walking towards her.

"The way that it's written is so beautiful and the language that the author uses, but he basically writes it from the point of view of death, so death is the character that's telling the story and it's set in the holocaust and he describes what it's like taking people's souls away and taking people's lives away and he watches this one particular girl and her story. It has one of my favourite quotes in there, it's so simple but it's 'my heart is so tired' and it's just the perfect thing for describing an emotion, it makes me want to cry. It's beautiful."

Paint Me (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now