chapter two

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chapter two

"I'm playing soccer, it's a game for children." Toni tried explaining to his mother after the match.

"No, you would have stopped the ball if you weren't too busy staring at that little boy." Thomas said, rolling his eyes at his child.

"He's not a little boy, he is a man." Toni stopped to stare at his mother who sighed before walking into the car where Bastian was waiting.

"You know Thomas you didn't have to blow up at that woman," Bastian started as he started driving.

"If somebody says something about my family, I'm going to-" Thomas started but Bastian cut him off.

"I'm just saying you could take it down a little bit," He said, "Toni you're with me on this one aren't you?"

Toni wasn't paying attention to anything they were saying, "I wanna tell Gareth Bale I love him."

"Toni he's sixteen," Thomas told his son.

"Oh but it's okay for you to go for an older lover?" Toni questioned his mother.

"Hey watch it," Bastian warned his step son as he eyed him in the mirror.

"I wanna go to the mall where he works." Toni demanded, "But first I need to get my shirt, the silk one."

"That's what you want to do?" Thomas asked, sighing.

Ignoring what his mother and stepfather was saying, he stared out the window "Stop the car!" He exclaimed suddenly as he opened the car door and ran out.

"Where are you going?" Thomas yelled after his son, he turned to Bastian, "See you hurt his feelings."

"It'll toughen him up, oh god he's picking flowers." Bastian said as he watched his step-son.


"Toni is very passionate, just like his father," Thomas gushed on about his son and his sons father, "My first husband, very handsome but too crazy." He laughed, making hand signals as he talked.

"I'm hearing this for the first time," Bastian said, looking at the camera sadly as the smile from Thomas' face vanished.

Seeing as Toni wanted to go to the mall, Thomas made Bastian drive there so his only son could declare his love for the teenager.

"Gareth Bale," Toni sighed dreamily, watching the teenager.

"What is that?" Thomas asked, pointing to the piece of paper in his sons hands.

"A poem I wrote for Gareth Bale," He smiled up at his mother who was in aw at his son, "I put my thoughts into words and now my words to actions."

And with that Toni walked off to go tell Gareth Bale he loved him, "Hey I'll give you money if you don't do this," Bastian tried persuading Toni who only shook his head.

"I'm eleven years old, what am I gonna do with money?" Toni asked, before walking off.

"What are you gonna do with a sixteen year old?" Bastian asked sassily.

Thomas and Bastian talked about supporting Toni until Thomas spotted his son walking back in sadness.

"He doesn't like me," Toni said sadly to his mother, looking down at his feet.

"You'll do better next time, let's get a pretzel." Bastian said as Thomas glared at him and continued trying to cheer his son up.

lol this sucked im srry

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