chapter five

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Chapter five

"I wish I could stay home and fly toy airplanes with you," Toni said admiringly, staring at Bastian building a toy plane.

"These aren't toy airplanes Toni, these are models and they're very complicated." Bastian explained to Toni. "You want to fly one of these, you have to be familiar with air foil, lift and thrust..."

"The box says 12 and up," Toni said confused, pointing to the box.

"What?" Bastian said loudly, turning to look at Toni.

Toni pointed at the box again, "You can fly planes with Basti next time, today you have to spend time with Lukas." Thomas said, cutting in.

"But why?" Toni complained.

"Because his mother invited you so you go," Thomas said to his son. "Family needs to be close right Basti?"

"I'm pretty sure this is a typo," Bastian continued stressing over the box, ignoring his wife and step son.


"Toni's father, Robert, had many hobbies." Thomas started, praising his ex husband. "Like hiking in the desert, that thing where they drop you from the how do you say in english?"

"the tikitikitiki," Thomas tried impersonating while looking at Bastian.

"A helicopter." Bastian said tiredly as Thomas nodded his head.

"Once he even boxed with an alligator," Thomas went on.

"Wrestled." Bastian corrected her. "You wrestle, you can't box with alligators."

"You sure?"

"How would they get the gloves in their claws?" Bastian asked.

"Don't they have little hands-" "No!" Bastian shook his head while Thomas made a face.

"Okay now I forgot what we're talking about." Bastian said.

"Anyways hobbies are important for a man." Thomas changed the subject again. "Even if it is, playing with toy planes." He threw shade at bastian but didn't look over at him, he kept his eyes on the camera smiling as bastian looked at her annoyed.


"Hey Bastian! Yes it's me Mesut," Mesut said into the phone, he called his father in law to ask if he wanted to hang but was nervous to actually talk to him since Bastian was intimidating.

"No I've not left Manuel yet," he laughed uneasy. "What are you doing today?" Mesut asked.

"Flying a model plane? Cool! Can I join you?" Mesut was hoping he'd say yes, he needed to spend more time with his father in law. "Really? Cool! I'll see you then B dawg."

"Manu your dad agreed to hang out with me! I think he likes me now!" Mesut yelled when he ended the call.

"My dad doesn't really like Mesut." Manuel said to the camera, "So I might have called him earlier and persuaded him to say yes to Mesut."

"It's fine, what he doesn't know won't kill him." He smiled uneasily at the camera.

"I don't want to wear stupid suits to weddings!" Mats exclaimed as he walked into the kitchen with Manuel following behind.

"Mats it won't kill you!" Manuel sighed, sometimes he wondered why he even had kids.

"Yes it will! Why can't I just wear jeans and t-shirts?" He argued, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Because you just can't!" Manuel argued back.

"Helloo! Manuel are you here?!" Thomas' voice interrupted their arguing, they looked over at Thomas and Toni who walked into the kitchen.

"Oh Mats hello!" Thomas smiled at his step grandson.

"Hey Thomas, Toni Lukas is in the garden on the trampoline." Toni looked over outside to see Lukas jumping around, he made a face of disgust as he seen that his 'nephew' was only wearing boxers.

"Put some clothes on!" Manuel yelled at Lukas who ignored them all.

"What's going on here?" Thomas said, sensing the tension between Manuel and Mats.

"Someone is refusing to wear a suit for a wedding," Manuel answered, raising an eyebrow at Mats.

"Aye why Mats? You would look so handsome in a suit." Thomas said, looking at Mats who rolled his eyes.

"I don't care." Mats huffed.

"I'm going shopping right now why don't you come with me?" Thomas suggested and Manuel laughed.

"Oh no he hates shopping." Manuel said as Mats glared at him.

"No I'll come, who ever said I hated shopping? I don't!" Mats said, smiling evilly at his mother who had stopped laughing and was looking at Mats in shock.

"Great lets go!" Thomas squealed, grabbing Mats and waving at Toni and Manuel before rushing out the kitchen.

"Tough life huh?" Toni said awkwardly at Manuel, breaking the silence.

"You don't know half of it," Manuel sighed.

"Chillax, sit down and I'll make you some coffee." Toni smiled at Manuel who sat down at the counter. "After all what are brothers for?"

"I'm not your brother Toni." Manuel said, looking at the kid in confusion.

"Technically you are." Toni said, still grinning.

"Okay then," Manuel said, weirded out.

"If I'm honest with you," Toni started, speaking to the cameras, "I never liked Lukas, he's too weird and I think something is wrong with him."

"But of course, as his uncle I'm not gonna say anything but I can only hope he gets better in time." He said sincerely.

"So Manuel what's wrong?" Toni said, placing a cup of coffee in front of him while he sipped on his own coffee.

"Why should I tell you?" Manuel asked.

"I might be a little kid Manuel but I'm brilliant at advice and listening to people." Toni said, sighing.

Hesitating, Manuel proceeded to spill out his problems and ranted to Toni who nodded understandingly.


"I can't believe you agreed to come shopping with your grandmother," Thomas chuckled as he walked into the mall with Mats next to him.

"You're not my grandmother," Mats said shortly and Thomas glared at him.

"Shut up, don't speak to your grandmother like that." He said sharply in his thick German accent.

"Whatever," Mats muttered.

"C'mon we don't have all day, we have to find you something to wear." Thomas said as he walked into store and Mats trailed behind.

"You don't actually have to buy me something to wear, I'm just wearing jeans and a shirt." Mats scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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