Finding Unknown User?

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"Why don't we find out who Unknown User is?" Joey said completely out of the blue. Daniel looked up from his book. He'd been back at home for a few days and Joey hadn't left his side (partly for wanting to look after daniel, partly for not wanting to go anywhere near his day).

"Again?" Daniel sighed; he wasn't sure if they'd be able to pull it off a second time.

"Yes, again. No one else is gonna do it ate they?" Joey said getting annoyed." This person needs to be stopped. They're not even clever this time, as least Tyler found out his information. This person just writes doen something everybody knows and makes it a big deal when it's not. I'm sure there's someone out there who probably thinks it's me who put you in hospital." Joey rolled his eyes.

Daniel thought for a moment. Mabye they did need to be the saviours (god he sounded like Emma from once upon a time)

"We'll. ...ok, but we should ask connor for help seeing as I'm rubbish st thinking of ideas."

At Connors

Joey hadn't seen Connor in a while; he'd been too distracted by the play and Daniel etc.

He'd recently moved in with Troye. It was a 2 bedroom flat with a kitchen and a living room. The place was covered with photos (some in frames and some put on canvases) which connor had taken himself.  Photos of dazzling sunsets, beautiful plants and something as simple as a cup of coffee. Joey admired his eye for beauty. In the corner of the room was a keyboard with some speakers and recording equipment around it.

"Here we go again." Connor laughed awkwardly

After 1/2 an hour they had a plan. They knew it would be too obvious to have another party and do it that they had another plan.

No one wanted his help...but they needed it. They needed one small minster to take down a much bigger one. They had to hack into Unknown User and trace the IP a dress.  There was only one person good enough with computers to do that. One person who, although everyone hated,  was the key to their plan. They knew he wasn't Unknown User; he'd been targeted. Duncan. They had to ask Duncan for help.

Authors note

Next chapter and you will find out who Unknown User is 😱😱

Thanks for reading
Erin xx

Unknown User (a Janiel fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora