Kicked Out?

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"Morning." Daniel smiled at Joey. Honestly, his heart broke for him. First his mum, them Duncan, his dad, who was next? Daniels phone chimed and his face fell. He had to do everything in his power to stop Joey from seeing this.....

"What's wrong?" Joey had noticed Daniels forlorn expression  and was curious.

"Urrrm......Nothing. Just......urrrm Britney's not coming here on her tour." Daniel desparately tried to think of an excuse.

Joey rolled his eyes "you and your Britney."

"Ye" Daniel laughed.  "I'm gonna take a shower. You better be ready for a day full of fun when I come back down.


"Joey?" Daniel made his way downstairs, his hair still damp from his shower.

No reply.

Then he saw him, curled up against the wall crying.

"Urrrm....Joey?" Daniel tried again

Joey looked up, his hair was messy and his eyes were red.

"They've done it again. Unknown User. "

Daniel sighed. "I know. I'm sorry I should have told you. You don't deserve this." He put his arm around Joey and stared at the screen

Kicked out?

Our very own Joseph Micheal Graceffa was supposedly kicked out of his house after openly expressing his sexuality. What cone next for this unwanted bot? A home with his homophobic dad? Or a life on the street?

"They're right.  I have to go back home." Joey's eyes were sad as they looked at Daniel.

"He won't be angry will he?" Daniel asked worriedly.

"" Joey wanted to tell Daniel about his abusive dad.....but he couldn't.


At his dads:

"So you're back are you?" He sneered."I don't want you here, but if I kicked you out it would look bad for me. I need you here to make a good impression. We don't want social services involved do we? "

Joey shook his head slowly in fear.

"Good. Now stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours."

Authors note:

Thanks so much for reading. Honestly didn't think I would enjoy doing this as much as I do.

Erin xx

Unknown User (a Janiel fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora