The New Kid

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1 month later.....

He still wasn't fully recovered but Joey knew he had to go to school sooner or later. To be honest her was quite looking forward to it; for the past month he'd done nothing but lie on a sofa. Also, Tyler wasn't there anymore; he was expelled after word got to the head about Anonymous.

Daniel grabbed Joey's hand as they walked through the gate. He knew that, although he was looking forward to it, Joey was also nervous about going back to the hell hole that was school.

The weird thing was, he had no reason to be. Jocks weren't horrible anymore, some were even nice. Daniel thought they respected them because they helped "take down Anonymous"

Joey gazed across the school grounds. It was weird being back.

"Daniel, who's that? " Joey pointed to a boy. He had a muscular build and, blonde quiffed hair and was standing with Caspar.

"I don't know, let's go and say hi." Daniel empathised with this new kid - it had been him at the beginning gif the year.

As they approached, Joey got nervous- it was caspar after all.

"Hi, I'm Daniel and this is Joey." The new guy gave than a dirty look and turned back to Caspar who looked very uncomfortable.

"Urrrm....hi Joey, Daniel. This is Duncan, my cousin."Caspar tried to lessen the tension, much to Joey's shock. "Daniel was new at the beginning of the year."

"Ye, I can show you around if you like." Daniel offered.

"So are you two like together?" Duncan said directly to Joey, completely ignoring Daniel. Joey nodded his head but continued to look down - he didn't like this "Duncan"

"Then why would I want to be shown around by you? Get out of my way." He pushed between them with an awkward Caspar behind him.

Daniel pulled Joey into a hug. Just when they thought it wasn't going to be that bad......

Authors note:

Hi sorry the chapter wasn't up sooner - it was refusing to post

Thanks for reading
Erin xxx

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