*REQUESTED* Break - Ups and Make - Ups: Denis Stoff imagine for Alex

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A/N: hey guys, so I'm so sorry it took so long to do this but basically, I would get one idea, then get another idea and had no clue how to go about this. But I hope you guys like it. Also, DANNYS BACK ! Yay I'm so excited Danny is back. I mean, I liked Denis but it's great they're all back to the same 5 guys who started it. Oh, and I added a lot afterwards because I felt I needed to make up for a fuck ton of wasted time.

Alex's POV:

It's been a few weeks now since Denis came back from tour in Europe and he's been acting strange ever since he got back. He barely talks to me or any of the other guys at all. I've seen them calling him over and over again on his mobile but he just ignores it. Oh well, he's probably just relaxing after a stressful tour. Or, that's what I wanted to believe.

Today I was randomly scrolling through my Instagram and liking pictures when my phone rang. I looked at the phone and saw Ben calling. I smiled and picked it up.
" Hey Assface, it's been a while. " I said. Ben and I met when he was first starting AA. He was actually how I met Denis in the first place.
" Hey Alex. Um, Can we talk for a minute ? "
" yeah Ben. What's wrong ? " I asked. My demeanor changing.
" Do you know what's going on with Denis ? Me and the guys have been trying to call him about the photo shoot for a week now but he won't answer. "

I was shocked and confused about everything. I slammed my laptop shut and picked it up, carrying it with me to our bedroom where Denis was playing on his phone. I took the phone from his hand and set it on the side table. " What the hell Ale- " before he could finish I put my laptop on his lap, opened it and replayed the Bens video.

As soon as it finished I closed it again and moved it so I could sit next to him on the bed.
" What the hell is going on with you Denis ? Why are you just ignoring the guys ? " I asked looking at him. He looked down, trying to avoid eye contact. " Just tell me Denis, what the hell is going on ? You know you can trust me. Right ? " I asked. He sighed and finally spoke. " you wouldn't understand Alex. It's too complicated. " he said.
I sighed and got up. " you know what ? Until you can tell me what's wrong I don't think I can continue this. " I said motioning between us. As soon as those words left my lips he shot his head to face me with a shocked look.
" W-What do you mean ? " he asked. I took a deep breath and continued. " You've been ignoring me for forever now. I can deal with that but the fact that really bothers me is that you don't trust our relationship enough to tell me why the hell you're leaving the band you loved so much and I had to find out from goddamn Facebook and you won't even tell me why. So until you do tell me, I'm not doing this anymore. "

" But Alex, I love you more than anything. Please don't go ! " he begged. Tears threatening to spill from his Dark Brown eyes as they stared into my green/blue ones.
" I'm sorry Denis. " is all I said before I turned around walking out the bedroom door. I only grabbed my phone, keys, and a couple changes of clothes from the laundry room before I went to my car and drove to my best friend, Altynas house.
( I just made up a name b/c blagh )

I drove about 20 minutes until I finally reached her house. I got out of my car and walked up her steps. I knocked and the door flung open to see her smiling until she saw my face. " Alex. What happened ? " she asked before I broke down. " she wrapped her arms around my shoulders cooing " Shhh. It's okay honey. Come in and we can talk about it. " she led me inside and sat me on her couch.

" hold on. I'll be right back
sweetie. " she said before rushing to the other room. She came back soon after with Ben and Jerrys, 2 spoons, and tissues. She handed me the tissues and set the other stuff aside. " now tell me who's ass I need to kick. " she said rubbing my shoulders. I composed myself and wiped my tears away before I told her the whole story. How Denis had been ignoring me and how I left. After I finished Altyna waited a bit before speaking. " You can stay here as long as you need to sweety. Everything will be
okay. I know how much you two love each other and he will come and tell you soon enough. " she said. I nodded quietly in response. The rest of the night was spent watching movies and eating ice cream as Altyna attempted to cheer me up.

A Week and a half Later:

It's been a whole week since Denis and I split and weird things have been happening to me. I've been throwing up every day and I suddenly have cravings to eat things I would normally never eat.

I was puking for the 2nd time this morning with Altyna holding my hair back and rubbing my back when she brought something up.
" Lex ? " she asked. I wiped my mouth with the toilet paper and flushed the toilet before I responded " Yeah ? "

" When was the last time your 'aunt flow' came to visit ? " she asked. I racked my brain trying to think of my last period and realized I couldn't even remember.
She noticed the look on my face and figured it out. " Do you think you could be ... you know, pregnant ? " I thought about it and realized it could be possible. I did visit Denis a couple months ago while they were on Tour and we did do the Horizontal Charleston a few times. " You want to take a test ? " she asked. I nodded and she went into a cupboard and pulled out 2 pregnancy tests and handed them to me. " I'll leave you alone. " she said before she left, shutting the door behind her.

Time Skip:


They're both fucking positive. We just stared at the 2 sticks in shock how could this be ? I mean, we used a condom. But then again they're only 97 % affective. Well, there's nothing I can do about it now. I took a deep breath before I got up. Taking the tests with me and grabbing my phone and keys.
" Where are you going Lex ? " Altyna asked. " I'm going home. I'm going to tell Denis and get this whole thing settled. " Do you want me to come ? " she asked me. I shook my head. " No. But I wanna thank you. You're the bestest friend I could ever ask for and I don't know how I can ever repay you. "
" Well, you can always name your kid after me. " she said making us both laugh. I hugged her goodbye before heading back to Ou- Denis's house.

Time skip:

I pulled up to the house and immediately noticed the mailbox overflowing with Mail. Oh No. I got out of the car and knocked on the door. When I knocked the door creaked open a little bit. I pushed it the rest of the way open and saw old pizza boxes and beer bottles littering the floor and table.

" Denis ! " I called through the house. I walked into the living room when I saw Denis shirtless, passed out on the couch hugging a bottle of Vodka. " Oh dear god Denis. " I said. I walked over to him and bent down taking the bottle out of his hand and setting it aside before I began to shake him. " Denis. Denis please wake up. " I shook him a couple more times before he started mumbling in his sleep. " Please don't leave me Alex. I love you to the moon and back. " he mumbled which only broke my heart more. I bent over him and kissed his lips lightly.

Soon after his eyes fluttered open and he rubbed them tiredly. " Alex ? Baby is that you ? " he asked looking at me wide eyed. " Yes hon. It's me. " I said smiling down at him. He didn't hesitate a second before pulling me into a tight hug and sobbing into my shoulder. I couldn't help it anymore. And I began crying into his shoulder and letting out all of my emotions from the past week and a half. " I'm so sorry baby ! I'll never ignore you again. I love you so much. " he said. " It's okay Denis. I forgive you. I love you too much to leave you. " I said. After a few more minutes of crying we separated. I wiped my tears away on my long sleeves before Denis spoke. " I'm ready to tell you now. About why I've been ignoring the guys and left the band. " he said. I stayed silent and waited for him to continue. He took in a breath before speaking.
" I really do love the band and the guys. They're like brothers to me. It's just I couldn't take the touring and the fame anymore and it was just so nerve wracking and stressful. " he said.

I pulled him into a hug and held him there for god knows how long. " It's okay Denis. It'll be okay. " I said. We hugged a little longer before pulling back from the hug.
" Now go take a shower. You reek like booze and B.O. "
I said. " Sir yes sir ! " he saluted before running to the shower.
" WAIT DENIS " I yelled to him. He walked back in and peeked from behind the wall.
" Yeah ? " he asked. " I have something to tell you. " I said. " I'm Pregnant. " I said quickly. I looked at him and saw a massive grin on his face. He immediately ran over to me, picking me up and spinning me around. " Oh my God Alex ! I'm gonna be a dad ! " he yelled excitedly, running around the house. I smiled and laughed rubbing my barely there baby bump. This dork was the father of my child and I would have it any other way.


THANK THE PAGAN GODS IVE FINALLY FINISHED THIS ! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed it.

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