*REQUESTED* When We Were Young: Rivers Cuomo ( Weezer ) imagine for Lynn.

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Hi guys, so I'm not very Familiar with Weezer besides the fact that they toured with Panic ! So if I get details wrong, I'm sorry. But I hope you guys enjoy.
BTW I added a few details but it's still pretty much the same.
BTW I'm just making up a last name for her cause YOLO.

Year: 1994
Rivers Cuomo age : 24

Rivers POV:

" Alright Lynn, I'll talk to ya later. Alright bye. "

I hung up the phone and laid back on my bed, continuing to think about her. Lenore, AKA Lynn as everybody called her was probably one of the most hilarious, badass people I've ever known. I still remember when I first met her senior year of high school.


" Welcome class, to the first day of Senior Year ! Please, settle down while I take attendance "

The room went partially silent but there was still the muffled chatter of the kids who didn't give a crap.

" Alright, when I call your name, say here ... Brendon. "
" here "
" Josh "
" Here "
" Jenna "
" Here "
And so on and so forth until one name caught my attention.

" Lynn "

No response.
" Lynn ? " she asked again. Silence until a girl with an English accent behind me spoke up
" Oh, Sorry I don't speak
English "  making the class, including me, burst out laughing.

After the teacher manages to calm everybody down

" So I see you're the class clown ? Well, you better keep your jokes to a minimum or you'll be sent to detention. "

She remained silent so I tucked my Walkman into my pocket and pressed the play button. Playing my Queen cassette and ignored the whole introduction and stuff to the class.

A few minutes later I felt a tap on my shoulder. I took my headset off and turned around, annoyed somebody dared to interrupt Freddie Mercury. My breathe itched in my throat as I saw probably the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

She had an eyebrow piercing and 2 "scratches" on her other eyebrow. She had eyeliner so sharp it could kill a man and black/red eyeshadow on. She was wearing a black leather jacket with a Mettalica tank top under it.

" Hey, whatcha listening to ? "
she asked. I continued to stare at her until I snapped out of it.

" Oh ! Um, im listening to
Queen. " I said.

" Awesome ! I love queen. Freddie Mercury has the voice of a friggin angel ! " she said. I laughed at her excitement when our conversation was interrupted with someone clearing their throat.

We turned around seeing the the teacher staring at us.

" Miss Howell, Mr Cuomo, is there something you'd like to share with the class ? "

" Nope, we're good. Thanks for offering though. " Lynn said making the class laugh quietly.

" That's it, Rivers, Lynn, go outside now ! " she shouted. We got our bags and walked out.

" Hey, I like you. You wanna be friends ? " she asked me as we walked out of the class

Return to le future.

And we've been friends ever since. We've been through pretty much everything together, and I wouldn't take it back for the world. And, if I'm still be completely honest, I've had the biggest crush on her since I met her.

But she's been in relationships since I've known her. And all of them have ended badly. She's in a relationship now too. With some guy, Justin, who's a complete douchebag and has cheated on Lynn so many times. She deserves so much better than that asshat. But I'm just waiting for her to realize it.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of knocking at my window. I looked and saw Lynn in front of the window waving to me to come over. I immediately got up and went to the window, opening it.

" Lynn, what the hell are you doing at my bedroom window at midnight ? "

The next thing she said was probably the last thing I thought I'd hear.

" Revenge my dear River, Sweet Revenge. "

To be continued.

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