His face went blank, and he walked away. I couldn't help but start to laugh. Pony and Johnny had gotten more comfortable with the scene, and they were over talking to some kids a little older than them. I walked over and overheard them talking about how a couple of kids had gotten themselves thrown in jail for doing drugs. "I ain't ever doing dope," I interjected. "And neither should any of yous guys. Dope gets ya thrown in the cooler if ya get caught with it." Pony looked at me and looked like he took it to heart. Same with Johnny. I saw one of the kids who looked just about 15 hiding a cigarette behind his back. "Whaddya got there?" I asked. 

Based on the redness of his eyes, and how far off he looked, I could tell it wasn't something good, or something we wanted to be 'round. Sophie came walking over from chatting with a few guys, with a smile on her face. I could tell Johnny got instantly jealous. "What ya guys talk about?" He asked. 

Before she could answer, she scrunched her nose. "Who's smokin' grass?" I looked over at the kid who was chuckling to himself. She also found the culprit with her eyes. "C'mon let's get outta here. If I see Dally smelling like grass, he'll never lemme leave the house again."

I nodded in agreement, and so did Johnny and Pony. It was just in time too, because I heard a loud engine roll up, and saw Kevin speed around the corner, right up to us.


I could still smell the last odor of the last group we were with when the loud sound of an engine alarmed me. I looked to the entrance of the parking lot from the road to see a shiny black hoodless T-Bird pull up. The tires even looked new and shiny. The music coming from the car was loud and bursting with life. I couldn't get a good look at the driver, but what did catch my eye was a bright red pair of dice hanging from the mirror. I glanced over to Two-Bit who was nodding with approval. "That's.. Kevin?" I asked.

"That's Kevin." He answered.

The car parked with a loud screech and a tall figure hopped out of the car disregarding the door altogether. As he walked towards us, I got a pretty good look at him. His hair was long, all the way down to his shoulders. It was a dark brown that had no grease in it. It was perfectly straight and thick, but I personally didn't like it. He had black tinted aviators on that hid his eyes from view. He walked with the kind of swoop that Two-Bit tried to walk with, but it came more natural to him. His lips were thin and curled into what looked like a permanent smile. Although his glasses covered his eyes, I could tell he looked young, possibly even younger than Two-Bit. He was a well-built guy, though, with muscular arms hidden under his long sleeve flannel. He wore dark blue jeans and a blue flannel that reminded me of Soda. His facial expression was cool, with a smile that matched. A cigarette hung out of his mouth loosely and he puffed smoke with the cig still laying on his lips. 

I looked at Johnny who was scanning Kevin also. I could tell from Pony and Johnny's facial expressions, that they had also never met Kevin. Two-Bit eagerly walked up to him and shook his hand. I had never seen Two-Bit act like this, except with hints of it around Dally. Two-Bit had something in his eyes that I could tell he wanted to be in every way like the guy that stood before us. After Two-Bit and Kevin exchanged loud and profane pleasantries, they walked over to us. Kevin took off his aviators as he approached us and hung them on his shirt collar. His eyes scanned me, looking me up and down. "This is Kevin, guys." Two-Bit introduced him to us even though we all knew who he was. 

Kevin kept his eyes on me, and only glanced away for a second as Two introduced Pony and Johnny. "Kevin, this is Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade, and Ms. Sophie Winston." He chuckled.

He made eye contact with me and didn't break it until I looked away because it was making me uncomfortable. I brushed my hair behind my ear and flashed him a casual smile. "Winston?" he asked, revealing his deep, yet young voice. "As in, Dallas Winston?"

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