The Beginning of Doubt

Start from the beginning

Lapis would protect him, that was for sure, but she wasn't going to stay here. One way or another, Lapis was going to find a way off planet, and she was going to take Steven with her, whether he wanted to come or not. That wasn't the worst of it though. Steven was safe with her, on Earth or off; the planet itself however, that was a whole different story. Garnet hadn't been able to actually see what happened after if Lapis succeeded in taking Steven, but she didn't need her future vision to know what disasters could occur.

Lapis loved Steven dearly, he had become everything to her and she would protect him at any cost, but the planet he lived on was simply a pest waiting to be crushed. Garnet had seen firsthand how deep Lapis' hatred for Earth went during the war. Lapis had wanted to tear the planet apart, and would have had it not been for Rose. Lapis wouldn't destroy the planet with Steven on it, but once he was removed...Garnet could only guess.

Garnet looked back to the warp, contemplating over whether she should go back. Amethyst wouldn't be happy upon her arrival; she knew all about Garnet's little sight problem. Amethyst, despite her attitude, knew more than she let on. She was very observant, knowing whether Garnet's visions were good or bad just by the slightest change of expression on the fusion's face, she also knew if Garnet could see anything at all. Garnet couldn't remember where or how she learned about Amethyst's little talent, whether it had been through a vision or simply through her own keen skills of observation. Either way, Amethyst was fully aware of the predicament.

Garnet didn't think she could face Amethyst...but if she didn't, that only meant more time for Lapis to find a way to get Steven off of Earth. Garnet pushed herself onto the warp pad, knowing that when the light that washed over her faded, she was going to be met with a really unhappy ally.

Lapis sighed as she watched Steven merrily continue on walking with her, still not aware in the slightest that he had been deceived. It had only been a few minutes since they found the warp pad, taking it to a forest that Lapis said held the cave. Lapis had been very eager to find it, not just because it would make a great place to hide from the Crystal Gems, but also because it held some of Homeworld's old records. With those, she could hopefully determine the location of a planet that could support him. It would be one step closer to getting him away from this wretched place.

As Lapis looked on at her friend, she began to think about him being a Crystal Gem. Her first thought was the same as the one she had when he first said he was one of them, it was ludicrous. He had been so kind to her, he had become her friend, she couldn't see any resemblance in personality between him and the Crystal Gems. Yet, he was one of them...he wanted to protect the Earth.

Lapis couldn't wrap her head around it. Gems were superior to the human race in every way, so why did Steven care so deeply about something that wasn't worth his time? If he would've let her, on the day they first met, Lapis could've shown him just how true it was and she could've given him the life he truly deserved. Instead though, he decided to stay with them.

Lapis looked at the ground in concentration. There had to be a reason though. There had to be a reason that Steven thought so highly of the human race and the Crystal Gems. She could see by the expression he made alone at her answer to his question that he was upset over being unable to see them. It almost made her wonder if...perhaps...she was wrong about this.

Lapis shook her head. Nonsense. The Crystal Gems were wicked, cruel gems with no regard for their own kind...and they raised the one who had become her best friend.

Lapis silently groaned in frustration, making sure it didn't go noticed by Steven. There had to be something she was missing, it was clear that the Crystal Gems had to be doing something right. Maybe, at least for Steven's sake, she could try to understand their reasoning...

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