7. Moving On || Epilogue

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*gif coming later*

this is the last chapter of this series, and i'm extremely sad. it hasn't been a good night, but on top of that i had to re-read the last chapter to figure out how I wanted it to end..

and honestly, you might cry *hopefully happy tears* this chapter.

thank you for everyone who requested for this story to become it's own book, and for supporting it by commenting and voting

i hope everyone has enjoyed this short fan-fiction story,

and i just want to tell everyone that i love you all, and i'm so appreciate of everything.. 


*7 Years Later*

Your eyes slowly opened, making contact with the wall by your bathroom door. Sam's arm was draped across your waist, and his eyes still closed.

You smiled, and gently moved his arm, as you stood up out of bed carefully, not wanting to disturb him. He shifted over in his sleep, causing you to almost have a heart attack.

Silently, you slipped into the hallway, dressed only in one of Sam's old t-shirts that came down to the middle of your thighs. You walked barefoot down the dark hallway, not really needing any light. You opened the familiar door, and peeked inside.

There in bed, asleep lay your son. Sam and you had agreed to name him Dean, and he couldn't look more like his uncle rather than his father. When little Dean was 3, Sam even accused him of being Dean's kid. It took to convince him that you had not in fact slept with Dean.

You listened closely until you could hear his steady breathing. Once you heard it, you sighed, and shut the door. It had become a nightly thing to make sure he was okay.

You continued down the hall until you passed Dean's room. Most of the time you cast your eyes away from it, and kept walking. But this time, something was off. You rested your hand on the handle, and breathed deep. Once you opened the door, you were hit with Dean. Memories came flooding that you hadn't thought about in years.

Everything still smelled like him, and everything was in it's place. You sighed, not realizing it was in disappointment until it happened. You turned and started to pull the door shut when you heard your name.

"Y/N?" the familiar voice made your heart break. Slowly, you pushed the door back, and there standing at the foot of the bed, where he had kissed you 6 years ago, was Dean Winchester. Your jaw dropped, and your heart started to pound.

"De-Dean?" you asked, stumbling forward. He grinned,

"Hey sexy," his eyes twinkled,"It's been a while,". You wrapped your arms around him, ignoring the comment. You'd never hugged someone as tight as you did Dean in that moment. He wrapped his arms around you and held on for dear life.

"I missed you so much," you said tears springing at the corners of your eyes. He sighed into your hair,

"You smell good," you pulled back, laughing. You kept one hand around his neck, and wiped one of the fallen tears. You looked at his face, remembering every detail you had seemingly forgot,

"You smell like.... Dean," you smiled, and he smirked, looking deeply into your eyes. You couldn't separate yourself from him, and instead just pulled him closer.

"How did you get back? Where were you? Are you staying?" you started ramble, happiness and hope filling your stomach. Dean suddenly turned stiff, and you slowly pulled away from him. His eyes were closed, and his face was stuck in what looked like a frustrating position.

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