5. Christmas Blues

401 20 7

okay, i'm writing this in class, and will attempt to edit it before the bell rings :)


hopefully you enjoy


You walked down the hall wearing cozy clothes for what felt like the billionth time. Hunting had slowed down as snow started to fall The boys thought the best way to commemorate your resurrection would be to celebrate Christmas.

They'd let you do most of the decorating, as you were far better at it than them. You'd hung tinsel all down the halls, along with fairy lights, to brighten up the place. You'd replaced all the pillows with ones with Frosty the Snowman and Santa Claus on the front. It really matched the stockings hung in front of the fire.

Although Sam and Dean did very little to help with the decorating, they did help with decorating the tree. Per your request. You'd had to make some ornaments that had all your faces on them, and Sam and Dean pretended to be annoyed. You'd informed everyone that Christmas would be held at the bunker, so gradually presents rolled in to be laid under the lush tree.

Once lights had been hung, pillows replaced, candles lit, cookies baked, and ugly sweaters handed out, it was time for Christmas.


Everyone was sitting around drinking. Bobby sat in a great rocker laughing his butt off. Maybe he'd had a little too much. You couldn't help but giggle as you took little sips of your drink. It was a couple hours in when Dean lightly grabbed your bicep,

"Hey y/n, can you help me out with a last minute detail on Sam's present?" you just giggled and sat your drink down nodding. He smiled and lead you back towards his room. He opened the door for you, and then shut it once you were inside.

You were confused for a moment as you didn't see anything different, you turned,

"Wher-" you started, but were interrupted. Dean pressed his lips against yours. His hand held your chin, lightly pulling you towards him. Every inch of your skin was on fire.

You kissed him back, and he pulled you closer, like he was drowning and you were a breath of fresh air. His lips fit yours, and you couldn't help but sigh at their softness. Everything you'd ever pictured.

But then it hit you, this shouldn't be happening. No. Sam.

You pulled away hastily, and turned towards the corner of the room. Dean leaned against the bed frame, trying to compose himself. Tears started to lightly sting your eyes, but you breathed in and turned around.

"What the hell?" you asked, your arms crossed in front of you, as if to protect you. Dean looked up at you with guilt riding every inch of his presence.

"I know you read the letter," he pushed him self up and started walking towards you,"And I know you feel the same."

You backed away from him, and the look of hurt on his face was one you'd never seen before. But, then you had to spit out what was swimming around in your head,

"Used to. I used to feel the same about you Dean," and in the instant you saw tears build up in his eyes they were suddenly gone. His head was down, away from your vision. You gulped,

"I loved you. I still do, but not the same way. I was in love with you for so long, and you never gave me half a chance, so I moved on," you threw your arms up, stress making them heavy,"I'm in love with Sam, and I would never do anything to hurt him," Dean looked back at you. You could see the wall building up in his eyes.

Panic set in. The walls you worked so hard to tear down, and get over were building up faster than ever.

"Dean, just.. How could you do this to me? This absolutely sucks," You cast your eyes downward, to avoid his sparkling green ones. That was when you saw his hands. One was gripped so tightly around the metal bed frame you thought it might break.

"Yeah, it does," he muttered out, and the second he said it, it was as if he had actually struck you. The venom that filled his voice broke your heart over and over again.

He suddenly fled the room, leaving the door open behind him. He was sprint walking down the corridor, and you tried to keep up with him. You couldn't help but yell at him to stop. You didn't even stop when you were both walking through the living room, shattering the happy Christmas atmosphere.

Everyone sobered up instantly, staring at you as you followed Dean up the stairs.

You followed him all the way out of the bunker. He strode to the impala, and he pulled open the door.

"What did you think was going to happen?" You practically screamed out, anger boiling inside you. For the first time, he stopped. He was gripping the door of the impala tightly.

"I don't know," he said, his voice monotone, broken. He got in and slammed the door shut. He sped off before you could even comprehend the situation.

You started sobbing, tears rushing town your cheeks, becoming lightly swollen. Your lips puffed out in anger and you turned around. The entire family was standing at the door, staring at you. You dropped to your knees in the gravel, crying harder than ever.

Sam ran to try and hug you, but you wouldn't let him. So he let you cry in the small amount of snow on the ground until you fell asleep, and he carried you inside, his jaw hardened.


...... well.. I don't know what to say about that, it kinda just broke my heart a little.

i hope this.. well I hope this didn't suck, like the first chapter did (because ya know, feels)

and I'm gonna leave it here. Would you guys want to know what songs I listen to while I write? I'm just curious because I listen to some pretty dope songs.

well, i'm gonna go pack up my stuff (I'm still in class, and wrote this in 26 minutes :OOOOO) so I can leave as soon as the bell rings.

thank you for almost 150 reads, that's pretty insane considering the fact that I've just started writing in this book!

thank you all for existing and being amazing,

remember to always keep fighting because you are not alone,


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