6. You Will Be Missed

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this one might be a tear jerker, but thank you homeroom for giving me like 45 minutes or so to write :)

I feel like this one will be sad, but it probably won't be, we'll see..

anyways, hope you enjoy, and here is the next chapter to Falling....

Sorry, I'm coming back mid writing and have decided I hate myself for the decision I've made, and I wanted to apologize ahead of time. Please don't kill me.


It had been 2 weeks.

It had been two weeks since Dean had fled the bunker.

It had also been two weeks since Sam had spoken to you. Anytime you would walk into the room, his fists would clench, his knuckles turning white. He grit his teeth, and moved on with what he was doing.

You'd wanted to leave the bunker, but didn't have anywhere to go. Surely, if you stayed with any Bobby and Ellen, or even Jo, Sam would find out and would drag you back to the bunker.

Sam had been attempting to track down Dean, checking hospital records, bank records, and even street cameras. Nothing. He disappeared, and Sam lost him right around Indiana. Sam figured that Dean was finally covering his trail, not wanting to be found.

It was after two weeks that you realized Sam didn't want you to leave because he wasn't ready to be alone.

You'd concluded that he didn't love you anymore. You'd tore apart everything the boys had built, including your own relationship. At least that's what you had concluded. It probably wasn't true, but you were stubborn.


You'd been laying in bed for about 3 hours when the clock finally hit 3 AM. Sam most likely had given up and fallen asleep at the table or the couch. And you knew he wouldn't be down for long.

Quickly, you pulled your packed suitcase from under your bed, stuffed with as much clothing you could fit. You picked up the smaller bag that would be lighter and easier to carry.

You shoved your journal and phone into it. You grabbed other things like money, and things that you thought were actually unimportant in that moment. But, future you would hate present you if you didn't bring some things. Especially your favorite book.

You opened the door to your room, the bag slung across your body, your hand holding the handle of the suitcase. You looked around the room, and honestly, it looked just the same as it had 2 hours ago, minus some small trinkets.

Just as you were about to shut the door, you remembered something. You dropped your bag and dug around in the desk drawer until you found your favorite pictures.

One was of both of the boys hugging you from either side, making goofy faces, and the other was a normal one where they both had an arm behind your back, smiling. Just looking at the sprouted tears.

Quickly you folded them, and shoved them into your back pocket.

"Think of happy things later," you muttered internally, picking up your suitcase and shutting the door.

It made your heart feel extremely heavy. Like closing that door was something final, and you wanted nothing more than to rip it open and curl under the thick blankets.

Gulping, you slid down the hallway, almost extremely silent. You entered the main hall, and saw Sam's head down on the table, his snoring loud.

Closing your eyes, and taking a deep breath, you continued quickly until you made it into the garage. You tried to think of a vehicle you could take that Sam wouldn't be too angry about. It was just a moment before you decided on the red truck that sat in the back, barely touched.

Falling  (Short Story from Supernatural Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now