4. Sweater Weather

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Hey guys! So, It's been a few days since I've updated, but like I said in Supernatural Imagines, my schedule has been very packed since school started!

This chapter was requested by BelParsons who has requested before, and I'm so glad she requested this as well!

Anyways, let's get into the chapter, I hope you all enjoy!


You walked through the halls looking at the walls of the bunker. You were wearing a giant oversized sweater, as the bunker had gotten quite a bit cooler in the winter. It slunk off your shoulders a little, but you just adjusted them every so often and continued walking.

You had been dead for months. Neither Sam nor Dean had any idea of what had happened to you. In all honesty, you should have never came back to life. They had burned your body, and kept the ashes in a jar on the fireplace.

 The boys checked it once you showed back up, and the ashes were still there. You shuddered every time it caught your eye. 

You'd ask why they had kept your ashes, and Sam and Dean had both agreed they hadn't been ready to move on from you. They had planned a long road trip to spread your ashes all over the country, it was what you had wanted. As far as you knew, they had no plans to cancel that trip.

You'd spent your last few weeks getting used to moving again, it felt as if you hadn't in forever. It felt like it'd been hundreds of years since you had seen the bunker. Because of that, and the ashes still being present, you tried to think of it as you being reborn. You were someone different now. At least that's what you told yourself. 

You continued to walk, opening doors at your leisure, until you came across Dean's. Neither of the boys were home. Out on a hunt, as per usual. You opened it, and were instantly hit with that 'Dean smell'. You would have recognized his and Sam's anywhere. You looked around and touched the trinkets on the wall and desk.

You felt something pull you to the desk drawer on the right. You looked around, mainly for the fear of Cas appearing and ratting you out to Dean. You took a deep breath and opened the drawer. At first, you didn't see anything of suspicion or worry. Then, after digging a little, you saw a letter, addressed to you.

Picking it up, you moved to sit on Dean's bed. Gulping, you carefully opened it, thankfully Dean had decided not to seal it.

You looked at the date on the letter. It was written the day before you and Sam had gone out on the hunt that changed everything. It was written the day before you died. You felt your heart beat suddenly start to increase.

Dear Y/N,

This is really hard to write, but it's easier than saying it out loud, because most likely I'll screw it up somehow.

I have to tell you that, I am in love with you. I know that Sammy loves you and you love him, but I had to tell you. I know that this won't change anything. You'll pretend that you didn't read it, and to protect the bond I have with my little brother, you won't tell him.

I wish I could tell you a specific reason why I have fallen so deeply for you. Sam has loved you for as long as I can remember, so you would assume that a part of me would just unconsciously not have feelings for you. Ha, that's probably where I went wrong.

I fell slowly. It feels like.. It feels like something that's been building up for a long time. Everything we've been through is what made me realize that there is something here. Layer, after layer my feelings for you have gotten stronger.

And I'm sorry. I know that this puts you in an awkward position, and it puts me in one too. But, if I don't tell you now, I never would.

I really hope this doesn't screw everything up,


Your jaw dropped, and you hadn't meant for it too. This letter confirmed a couple of your small suspicions, but that didn't make it any easier. You'd had a crush on Dean a few years back, something small, and then those feelings had turned to Sam. You'd moved on, especially believing that Dean didn't, and wouldn't have feelings for you, yet here it was.

You heard noise coming from the end of the hall, and in a panic shoved the letter back in the envelope. You didn't have time to put it back in the drawer because the door was turning open. You shoved it into the waistband of your jeans, and turned to the small amount of books Dean had sitting on the desk.

He looked startled to see you in his room.

"Oh hey," you said turning to him, he raised an eyebrow,

"I was looking for something to read," you rolled your eyes and walked past him out of the room. You didn't know that after you left the room, he checked the drawer, and discovered the letter was missing.


okay, i'm tired, and sleepy, i have school tomorrow (it's 12:30 am)

i hope you all enjoyed, and if you did please like and comment

also please go listen to cavetown (he's an artist whose albums i listened to while writing this chapter) specifically listen to "cavetown" and "this is home" (they were what i was listening to)

i'm very in love with his voice, and music, and he's a magically being so please go listen.

\/ the link to his album 'cavetown' \/


okay, i'm sleeping now

remember to always keep fighting because you are not alone,


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