2. Proper Funeral

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Okee dokee, here's the 2nd chapter to Falling, edited and ready for your enjoyment!



Sam pulled the tie around his neck tighter, and smoothed his hair back. His eyes were red and swollen. Dean's face remained stony. He probably couldn't describe the storm happening inside.

Dean gently put a hand on Sam's shoulder, and they both looked down, avoiding their reflections in the mirror.

You had died 4 days ago. Everyday seemingly got worse for the boys. The door to the small room that Sam and Dean were in opened. Bobby walked in wearing a black suit and his worn cap. He slowly took it off, and held it in his hands.

"It's time boys," his voice was quiet, but his thick accent was still very noticeable. Dean gulped and shut his eyes. He squeezed Sam's shoulder.

Bobby walked up and hugged them. It was rare. He couldn't help the silent tears that ran down his cheeks. After a minute, he breathed in deeply and pat their back.

They could do it. Or at least they pretended like they could.


The casket was closed when the boys walked up. Jo hugged onto Dean's arm, not wanting to let go. Ellen hugged Bobby for a minute. But Sam.. He stared at the casket. Willing it to disappear, and for you to be alive along with it.

Ellen moved on and embraced him,

"I'm sorry," she tightening her hold on him. He breathed in deeply, not wanting to cry. The doors let out a loud noise as Cas walked in. Guilt was everywhere on him.

He pushed through everyone and laid a hand gently on the casket. His eyes were closed.

"Boys, we should probably get started," Ellen said, her face sat grim, lines appearing that hadn't been there a month previously.

After a minute, Sam, Dean, and Cas all gently lifted the lid on the casket. A sob escaped Sam's mouth the second he saw you. He collapsed to the ground, laying his head against the edge of the casket. Dean's knuckles were white as he gripped the lid. Willing himself not to break down. A blank look filled Cas's face.

You lay peacefully in the casket. Your skin had grown more pale, and you looked much skinnier. But you were still beautiful. Dean ran a knuckle over your cheek gently, as if wiping away tears that weren't there.

He gulped and turned away, practically carrying Sam away with him. He didn't want to break down, not when Sammy needed him. Once everyone was seated, Bobby walked up to the podium, removing his hat.

"We all know why we're gathered here," he started, already choking on words,"We're gathered here, because we lost one of our family," his eyes glanced down towards the casket, where you looked more like you were sleeping than you looked dead.

"We know tha-," Bobby started choking on his sobs,"We know that this world will be little more empty without you here, but we know that you're happy in heaven," he wiped some of the tears that had fell, and took a deep breath,"At least, that's what Cas says," he took this time to lightly chuckle and glare at Cas.

He nodded and walked away from the podium. He walked to the casket, and he reached in. He picked up your hand, rubbing your knuckles. He sat his hat down in next to you. Rubbing his eyes, he walked to his seat, and sat down. He was staring at the floor.

It was Ellen and Jo's turn. They stood up there and took a minute to be ready.

Jo spoke first.

"I lost a sister today, I think we all did. Except for you Sam, you lost a love, and I'm so sorry," quickly wiped away the tears,

Falling  (Short Story from Supernatural Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now