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"so because your grandmother in Texas is dying we have to drive all the way over there, at 12 in the morning?" Markus asked as we packed the last bit of food in my car.

"yup, anymore questions before we leave?" I asked checking to see if everything was in the car

"why isn't your mom coming?" Markus asked

"it's umm, my dad's mom and you know it wouldn't be good for her" I said thinking off the top of my head

I knew Mia didn't buy this bullshit because my dad's mother died a couple of years ago and we went to the funeral, but she kept her mouth shut. The surprise wasn't for her anyways.

"okay, we are ready to go" Jakob said walking out of my house with the last things we needed. It was a bag with four mavericks t-shirts in our sizes but Markus and Mia didn't know about it yet.

"alright then lets head off." I said typing in the address for the hotel we were going to stay at into my phone.

Planning this trip was mad work and mad expensive. Last minute court side seats for four people was about 1,000 each. Then on top of that hotel, gas, food, and all the other small stuff. Don't judge me okay, just wanna make this a night to remember. Plus I used my dad's still active credit card so, I didn't pay one cent.

I turned on the radio quietly though, since Mia and Markus were sleeping in the back. Jakob sat in the front with me so that we would switch places in three hours. So I got sleep and he got sleep. I was surprised by the amount of traffic there was at this time. It took an hour just to get on the freeway. Next time we would just take a plane.

When it was two Mia finally woke up.

"so where are we really going?" She asked looking over to make sure Markus was still sleeping

"what do you mean, to go see Malachi's dying grandpa" Jakob said

"actually he said grandma, and I'm pretty sure I was at her funeral a while back. So I'm going to ask again, where are we really going?" She asked catching Jakob in the lie

"we're going to Texas. What for? Don't worry about it for now. Just sit there and look pretty" I said before Jakob could make up a bad excuse.

"umm I would like to know if I'm being kidnapped" She said raising her voice a bit

"shut the fuck up, you'll wake him" I said looking at Markus the mirror

"ohhh I get it, you don't want him to know" She said with a sinister smile

"say anything and no dick for a month" Jakob said

"fine, but I'm starving. Make a exit wherever there's a Wendy's" She said defeated

Luckily for her there was an exit just a mile away that just so happened to have a Wendy's there. Once we arrived Mia got out to go to the bathroom and had us order her some food. Markus still wasn't awake but I got him food anyway's in case he was hungry later on.

When we got back in the car Jakob offered to drive the rest of the way even though I had an hour left.

"I'm bored, let's play a game" Mia said as she dipped her fries in ketchup

"what game, and nothing corny like truth or dare" I said knowing she would say that

"ugh fine, 20 questions?"

"that's cornier, plus I know everything about you?" I said

"you know what fuck you, you pick a game" She said

"I seen something on a show, where each of us pick a color of a car and we agree on a number like 20. So as cars pass by we count each color and who ever color is seen the most wins."

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