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"shit" I muttered under my breath

"told you it would sting, baby boy" Markus said laughing at my pain

"shits not funny, it actually hurts" I said as the guy continued to stab my neck

It was Saturday night and I was finally getting my first tattoo. Markus and Rodney brought me to their artist who apparently was mad good.

I had been feening for a tat for so long and I was finally getting one. I wasn't sure what I wanted to get at first but I knew it had to mean something to me. I wasn't just gonna get inked for no reason, not that theres anything wrong with that.

I just believe that if I'm keeping this shit on my body for the rest of my life it might as well be meaningful.

After a week of debating I finally picked. It was a Adinkra symbol from West Africa, meaning 'God is King'. It was something I truly believed and wanted to be marked on me for life.

Too bad I decided to get it on my neck since it hurt like a motherfucker.

i knew my dad was gonna be pissed but I don't really give a fuck. He can choke on my big fat cock for all I care. All my life he's been telling me "do this, don't do that". I'm tired of his bullshit. It's my life and I'm fucking old enough to make my own decisions.

How will I ever learn from my mistakes if you never let me make a mistake?

Anyways enough about my dad, Markus has really changed over the past week. I understand that he lost a very important person to him, but it seems like he's lost himself too. He never shed a tear, didn't scream, nothing. He's been quiet, too quiet.

At times I feel as if he's just in denial, like when he decided to return to school the next day. I begged and pleaded for him to stay home but he didn't budge. He said he had already missed too many days, which was true but he still needed to recover.

I know I talk all that hot shit bout my dad but if he actually were to die I don't know what I would do with myself. Yes I disliked him and his logics with a passion, but he was still blood. He was still my creator, I owe my life to him. And don't even get me started on what I would go through if my mom, Mia or Shay were to pass away.

Even though Markus went to school Monday, he was suspended the next day for "causing a disturbance". It was the first time that he had seen Dylan after hearing about the incident and he just went crazy. He sent the nigga to the hospital, and even though I tried to stop him, he nearly threw me across the room. Now I know not to fuck with him when he's fucking someone up.

Also broke up with Chloe right after, even after she threatened to expose him. Rumor had it that she had gotten an abortion after everyone found out that the baby was Dylan's and not Markus's.

She lost mad friends, or acquaintances I should say. Markus is the most popular guy in the school so after hearing that his girl cheated on him turned everyone against her. Even her bitches squad broke away from her due to not wanting to be hated by association. Now Mia was in charge of them. And she changed their name to 'Queef Queens'.

It was kinda dirty but funny at the same time. All those girls talk about is sex and dick. Mia had finally met the right people to hang out with, not that I couldn't talk about dick.

"Earth to Kai" Rodney said snapping me out of my daydreams


"it's done fool" He said making me realize that I didn't feel the needle anymore.

The artist passed me a mirror to admire his work. I had to admit the shit looked mad sick.

"you look sexy" Markus said

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