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Markus Pov

"Holy fuck" Rodney said

I quickly pulled off of Malachi as if nothing had just happened.

"What the fuck nigga, you scared the shit out of me" I scolded

"If ya'll don't wanna get caught consider locking the door next time, now get the fuck out so I can piss" He said holding the door open.

I grabbed Kai's hand leading him to the door but let go once we were out. I could tell he was still shocked since he was shaking.

"Don't worry bruh, he's gay too" I said trying to comfort him.

"I-I knnnow, j-j-just thought he was sommeone else" He said stuttering

I so badly wanted to hold him and cuddle him but I was scared that someone would see us.

"Come on let's get to the party, Clo probably wondering where I was and I'm pretty sure Mia is too about you." I said leading the way to the party.

I opened the door to music blaring and people grinding all up on each other. I turned around to see Malachi gone. I soon found Chloe dancing with some other guy I didn't recognize, it didn't faze me though cuz I'm not even interested in her. Part of the reason why I don't feel guilty bout using her.

I went and sat at the bar and ordered a drink. I looked to the left of me to see Kai sipping on a drink.

"I didn't know you drank" I said

"Just cuz my dad's a pastor don't mean I'm one" He replied before dogging his shit.

"Make that two shots" I said to the bartender.


The party was over now and everyone besides me was drunk. Therefore, I had to drop Chloe off then Kai and Mia.

I dropped of Chloe first since the other two needed supervision. I grabbed their house key from Kai's pocket then took Mia upstairs to her room leaving Kai in the car.

When I came back he was knocked the fuck out so I had to carry him upstairs. As much as I didn't want to invade his privacy I had to undress him, because I know how uncomfortable it is to sleep in a suit. I went downstairs and poured two glasses of water and then looked for some pain killers. I eventually found it in the medicine cabinet in their bathroom then took it to Mia's room. I set the water and two pills on her nightstand and did the same for Kai.

Once I was satisfied I decided it was time to leave since it was very late. I opened the door and was about to leave when I heard Kai call me.

"stay" he said in his sleepy voice.

I didn't really mind spending the night and I know my mom wouldn't either, but then I thought about what could happen. Maybe his parents barge in and he gets in trouble, or I end up taking advantage of him.

"nah it's late, I should go" I said going back to kiss him on the forehead.

I was about to leave when he grabbed my wrist. Now his eyes were open.

"Please" He said in his strained voice.

I walked over to his door and locked it incase anyone was to open it. Then I took off my jacket and shirt, leaving on my pants. I turned off the lights then hopped into bed, wrapping my arms around Kai.

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