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"We finally made it" I hugged Mia as we walked out of the auditorium

"Yes we did" She said jumping up so I was now carrying her

Shay, Rodney, Issac, Mia's mom and my mother approached us with balloons and flowers.

"My babies" both mothers said coming to congratulate us

"Issac!!" Mia said hopping of me and running towards her brother.

"I can't believe your dumb ass actually made it" Shay said handing me flowers

"shut the fuck up, we both know I'm smarter than you" I joked accepting the flowers

"okay group picture, where are your boyfriends" Mia's mom asked with a camera in hand

I looked around and didn't spot Markus nor Jakob anywhere nearby.

"I'm going to go look for them" I said before making my way through the crowd

As I walked past families taking pictures with theirs kids, a lot of the students congratulating me on my speech, and wishing me good luck. A couple families even stopping me to take pictures for them.

I walked all around and found no sign of either of them. As I was making my way back my guidance counselor stopped me. 

"Hey Malachi, great speech. I can't believe you almost turned it down" She said smiling up at me

"yeah, thanks for pressuring me to do it" I said giving her the fakest smile

"well congratulations, and I hope you get everything if life that you want" she said before giving me a hug out of no where

"okay? thanks" I said rubbing her back before letting go.

She finally moved out the way so I could continue my search. After about five more minutes I gave up and decided to look for my family again.

"I couldn't find them, let's just take the picture" I said as I approached my mom

"did you check the bathroom?" Mia's mom asked

"shit" I muttered under my breath "I'll go check now" I said

I didn't even know where the bathroom was in this damn place. After getting different types of directions from different people I finally found it.

Once I opened the bathroom I almost bumped into someone. I looked up and seen Jakob standing there. He didn't say nothing and just left.

I walked in and heard some talking behind me and turned around to see Markus having a conversation with some guy.

"Hey babe, my mom's looking for you" I said as I approached him. Instead of smiling he got this weird and nervous look on his face.

"babe?" The other boy questioned "you a fag now?" he asked Markus

I so badly wanted to snuff that nigga in the face, but I knew Markus would handle it. After all he hates that word that he would almost kill someone.

"n-nah" Markus stuttered to get out

"woah what?" I asked confused

"he just a friend" Markus said to him not being able to look me in the eye.

In that moment I felt all different types of emotions rushing through me. I felt betrayed, I felt lonely, heartbroken, played. But most importantly I felt stupid.

How could I ever think that he was open with our relationship. Sure he could do it when our school is full of white kids that wouldn't dare speak on his name negatively.

"yeah, just a friend" I said as I slipped my ring off and threw it at him. My hand now felt empty, used to the feeling of the ring on my hand 24/7

Instead of yelling and throwing a tantrum, or crying, I kept my cool as I walked out that bathroom back into the crowded halls.

I wasn't even in the mood to return to my family, so I made my way towards the exit. As I was approaching it I heard two people calling my name, but I ignored them.

I felt so fucking disrespected, he had the nerve to reject me in front of his friends. What does that say about him, I can't believe he played me into believing he cared about my feelings.

My body was rushing with adrenaline as I made my way outside. A couple seconds later I heard the door open from behind me. This time as the two people called me I was able to make out their voices.

"Malachi, stop wait" Rodney yelled

"what happened?" Mia said now running.

I just ignored them and kept walking picking up my speed. Crossing the dangerous streets of the south. Surprisingly this street was quiet. Well until three cars started racing up the block. I wasn't even paying attention to where I was walking as I seen the cars right on each others tail.

At this point I seen a man running towards me. He was out of breathe and was carrying something but was still running. I guess he was running from the cars due to the facts that he kept turning back to look at them. He got closer to me passing right by me, but the cars now closer to me, letting me see a couple of masked men.

The cars finally passed me letting me focus on where I was walking, until I heard three simple noises. Two gunshots and a ear piercing scream.

I turned around to see what happened, and there lie someones body on the floor.

As I made my way back to see who it was, my heart dropped instantly as I seen the face of one of my best friends, dying on the sidewalk.

To be continued...

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