Dreams of death

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Dreams of death

High in an evergreen tree perched precariously above the ground, I waited. Up in her nest, but lower then i, was a blue jay. A territorial little thing, but still, just a fledgling mother. Waiting silently I slid, from that perch on which I was poised, springing lithely from bow to bow of the evergreen trees.

A slow smile, one that hinted at death, spread across my lips, “no!” My conscience snapped. “You will not.” And yet my gullet ached for this poor little thing. My body coiled my muscles tensed….


Falling, falling! That’s all my mind could register, I was falling. But I didn’t die, I would have liked to. My body was different, new odd. I could not get my bearings. Flashes of green the smells of wet earth and forest creatures. And I was cold, I felt heartless, my soul itself was gone from my body. I cared not for the animals, or the people of that world, just those in my world, and I hungered for that jay.

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