Chapter 13

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She continued as if nothing changed.

"...she was only 11. My son, Charles, lost one of he's best friends out of his circle of friends. His friends Joe took the lost hard he never talked to us until the day of the accident. It was Joe's birthday and my son went missing I looked for him everywhere. But, all along he was going to the party. He never told me where he was going until a man walked up to my door step and told me he was...was..."

She tried to continue but she stopped and cried on my shoulder. I began to wonder about Joe, he seemed so familiar. I knew if I wanted any answers we needed to finish the story.

"What happened, and who is this Joe figure he seems so familiar."

As soon as I said Joe she looked up with dried tears on her cheeks and said surprised,

"What how come you don't know!"

"What- I don-"

"That boy was you."

Those words echoed in my mind over and over again. With other echoes saying 'I've seen you before' 'you did it again' 'how could you' 'you killed her' 'help me'. My head felt so pressured it began to hurt, it felt like two boulders smashing my head over and over again. Soon after all the pressure I began to fall on my knees. I tried to stop it by holding my arms around my head seeing if it would go away, but it turned to the worst. Marinatte began to race to me, and began to hug me to make me feel better, and said,

"Oh no, it's starting we need to go now to stop this virus before it gets worse. It's all ready changing your memory bank, soon you won't remember anything at all. The-saaa-the-vir-keep-II-streak-hop-sty-stl-"

After what she said all I could hear was chunks and pieces of what she said. My vision began to change as I started to feel motionless. It felt great but that feeling soon ended as I crashed to the floor as everything around me turned black.

Well guys sorry but I thought this would be a great place to stop because I really want everything to line up. So foxy get the truth, then learns about Mangle. So sorry guys to leave it here. I promise I next on will be soon, and don't forget SMI-

A man walked out of a darken room and stands behind her. Soon pulling out a knife to her throat and interrupting her.

The mysterious man- Hey, hey Inspired Girl, you can't stop here.

Inspired Girl- Sorry I have to, I really want to hook them in for the next chapter.

The mysterious man- Well at lease give me the honor to stay with you here and listen to this so called story. Maybe even give my point of view.

Soon the man pulled the knife away from her throat and tied her hands behind her back. He soon began to smile as he finished tying her up. He looked around soon finding a small stool and began to sit in it, then he started to pull out some cigars and smoked. After a period of time the whole room was filled with smoke.

The mysterious man- Before I start I just want to thank you for honoring me on your profile. I loved the publicity, I really liked it since I became your new photo.

Inspired Girl- No problem- wait I know who you ar-

She was soon cut off when the man put a gag over her face making her faint.

The mysterious man- well, well, well. I guess she doesn't want to play anymore, I guess I have to tell you what happen to Mangle then, such a pity. Well, that get to it then you know time is ticking.

Everything soon fades out showing Mangle being carried by Springtrap.

(Purple Guy's POV)

I saw her fall but I soon catch the one who was supposed to be mine. I dragged he down the hall, through the vent, and into secret hiding.

Purple guy- Yeah, that's all I can tell the I still need more and more people reading so I can kil- I mean have at my party. Well, we know how this all ends. SMiLeS :D

The Mangle Virus (Original) Mangle x FoxyWhere stories live. Discover now