Chapter 2

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Why am I here? Still. Why don't they scrap me completely? I'm just a disappointment.

"Mangle, Mangle, MANGLE, wake up!"


"Oh my gosh your ok. I thought I lost you there."

"What? Who are you?"

"It's me Bonnie, remember? Freddy was right, I think this memory chip is turning into a problem."

"Sorry. I blacked out and-"

Wait I shouldn't tell him. He might just tell the boss.

"Mangle, you ok?"

"Um...wait, how did you find me, I swear I was alone."

"You were late and it wasn't like you for to be late. So I ask Chica and Freddy to cover us."


"We should start going to parts and service, I think I could fix it before 7am."

"Ok but why didn't you get me there when I was blacked out?"

The look on Bonnie's face changed I knew he would make me go crazy.

"Well...That's where the new inmates are."

I was not happy not one bit. I can believe this!

"Really! Why there?!"

"Because these are special inmates not like the puppet or even the cupcake. These animatronics are the originals, they have seen a purple guy and told us to hid them away before he comes to get them, again

"Fine, I'll go."

"Ok, grab my shoulder, I'll carry you there."

I cant believe that they seen the purple guy, the others don't believe me that this is the killer. No one will understand me. I'm always going to be alone and useless.

"Mangle, MANGLE!"


"We're here"

Finally we're here and I'm getting weaker. This is no memory chip problem, I think this might be even more powerful.

"You are going to be ok, Mang-"


"Freddy? What happened? What happened to you eye? Why is-"

"No time, one of the inmates escaped!"

"What!?" Both me and Bonnie said.

Suddenly Bonnie said, "who?"

"One of the most dangerous one, Foxy."

The Mangle Virus (Original) Mangle x FoxyWhere stories live. Discover now