Chapter 3

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."Why are we sitting here Freddy, where did he go?"

"I don't know but, I think he went east heading to the kitchen."

As they continued to talk I wondered who was this guy? I think I heard that name long ago but, I was not sure. I had to interrupt them, I might know who he was.

"Hey, Freddy. Who is this Foxy? I think I knew who he was."

"Really Mangle, well what do you know."

As we started to talk Bonnie started to leave to spread the news about the missing inmate.

"I think we were connected somehow."

"Maybe, that was why he ran."

"What? Why?"

"Ohh, you were the replacement of Foxy."

When Freddy said those words a flush of memories over threw me and I ran. Never looking back knowing this could some how be my fault.


He never stopped saying those words until I was out of sight, for no one to see me. A replacement, that's what's wrong with me along. The memory chip, the weakness, and the regrets. I need to escape before-

As I was about to finish that thought, something moved in the darkness. I began to stop and see if I could figure out who was it.

"Hello? Who's there?"

As I was about to investigate the shadowy figure, it came rushing at me like a raging bull. It was the fastest thing I saw in years. It seemed angry and was different but, familiar. The thing ran at me and cut off some of my wires, I screamed in pain. As it came again I dodged just in time for the shadow to miss. But that didn't stop it, the shadow came behind me and hit my head. Then it stop, I began to feel dizzy. I felt a pull as I became to speak.


I blacked out.

I began to wake up, feeling that same place it hit me. As I tried to reach my head, I realized that I was tied up. Might as well try to escape, as I began I hear a small crack. I froze knowing that must me it.


In a dark and booming voice, I heard,"Quiet!"

"What? Why am I here? Why did you show me who you are? Why did you tie me up?"

"So many questions and so little time. My darrrrling"

I've heard that accent before, could it be. No, it can't be.


Once I said that, their was a silence. But then a small light turned on above me and the shadowy figure became visible.

"Hello there, Mangle."

The Mangle Virus (Original) Mangle x FoxyWhere stories live. Discover now