Chapter 4

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As I stood in shock, I stated my question trying to hide the fear inside.

"Why are you doing this?!"

"Why, all you ask is why. Why don't you ask something more, helpful like, who am I."

"I already know you monster!"

"Monster, that's all you see me as. Well, they name isn't 'monster' it's foxy, and you should be happy that I took you away from those fools."

"What, what do you mean 'fools' these people are my friend, even better my family. They raised me when I was the first to get destroyed. They helped me-"

"You call those things your family, they didn't even come after you, I bet they didn't even knew you were gone."

"Never, they should be on their way down right now!"

"Are they?"

As I stumbled to talk, I started to think if they even were my friends. They were the main act and they did leave me in the dust. Maybe that was why I started to get this sickness, maybe they never loved me at all. They left me to do the dirty work of Wait, they would never do that, right.

As I was questioning my final answers, an exposition of sounds filled they room and made Foxy panic.

"Mangle! Are you in here? Mangle!"

They did come for me! But, as Foxy heard those words he grabbed be by my feet and started to drag me out threw the vents.

"Guys, I'm over here. Help me! Please! Foxy has me! Help!"

As I screamed in terror I saw Chica's hand and heard her voice calling to me from the darkness.

"Mangle your going to be ok, grab my hand, I can lose you again."

I tried to reach with all my might and grabbed her hand, she tried to pull me in but Foxy's strength was too much. I let go, I tried to grab again but I was too late. I tried to scream and hope that some hero would save me, but no one came. I knew I would never see my best friend again. A tear fell from my eye as I heard her regrets bouncing off the walls.

I heard as she said "I had her, I had her, please let me get her, please."

I knew I was going to forgotten, but I had to try to escape. I yelled and screamed to see if he would listen but, no reply. I had to give up, I began to cry as I blacked out. Still feeling myself being pulled away from everything I knew.

As I began to wake up, I use to feel rope around my wrist feeling like sand paper to my fur. Then a hard jerk went to my shoulders suddenly waking me fully awake.


"Foxy get th-"

As I woke up, I realized that this wasn't Foxy, I started to feel relived. But, this time it was even worse, it was the boss, Golden Freddy.

The Mangle Virus (Original) Mangle x FoxyWhere stories live. Discover now