Chapter 1

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I copied this story from my profile on

All characters are owned by Scott Cawthon the creator of Five Nights at Freddy's.

Chapter 1

(Mangle's POV)

Mangle, several mutilate, disfigure, or damage by cutting, tearing, or crushing. That's exactly who I am and meant to be. A damaged low life, I was mangled I decided to call myself that disgusting name, mangle. I've been through being murdered, cursed, and even torn to pieces by a hideous child. You may say that I'm overreacting but it's true. Just ask that guy on the phone, if you survive. This is only warning please listen or else I would be forced to do things I wished never happened. Wait, here he comes.

"Mangle, get the new inmates ready"

"Who are you? Where am I?"

"Not again, Mangle its me Freddy, Toy Freaddy. I think your memory chip is damaged again." *sigh* "Just go backstage and get them ready before 6. Me and Chica will set their place up."


As I was about to say another word he left with a dash to front stage, and once again I am alone. Might as well head backstage before puppet wakes up.

It's always creepy at night the party was over but the decorations still up. *shiver*


"Ahh, Ballon Boy!"

"Sorry, I thought you were the night guard."

"You should be sorry, you gave me a heart attack! Wait, the night guard doesn't come out of its office."

"Well,someday it might happen. I even tried to lure him here with a fresh bag of double A batteries"

"Even you know it doesn't work."

"Yeah, I know. I see your looking better today."

"I know your lying. Again my memory chip got damaged."

"Where are you heading?"

"Backstage. We're going to have some new inmates."

"Really! The last one we got was puppet and we all know how that ended up"

"Yeah, well I don't want to keep them waiting"

"Ok, see you at 12."


As he brisk away he stumbled into the vents leading to the guard's office. Finally, he was gone. I didn't really like that guys guts. I finally start off again, hopefully I'm not late because we all know that Bonnie can't do it alone. I better hur-

"ouch!", What's happening? What's wrong with me? I think a simple memory chip is turning into a problem. I better get to parts and services and fix this, Now!

I started to run as fast as I ever ran before, I started to stumble, then fall. I got back up and ran again with the sickness still inside. I turned again and again, left, right, left ,right. Here comes the sharp turn!

"Ahhh!" As I said as I crashed to the ground. I started to panic, feeling just as much pain as when the monsters pulled me apart. I screamed again hoping that someone would save me. I continued to scream, but suddenly stopped blacking out. Still thinking about how abandoned I am. Still alone, forever.

The Mangle Virus (Original) Mangle x FoxyWhere stories live. Discover now