Chapter 12

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Finally she was here, we all fear her but now she will be the one who will drag me away from this living hell. I just sent my only love to a place she may not wake up to. Dragged her away from her family to get revenge. Finally, make her suffer my nick picking and love. All I what right now is to trade my life for hers even if I die, I deserved it.

"Ok, Marinatte I am ready to die. Feel free to rip me to shreds and leaving me suffer. I only want Mangle to be happy, and if it means killing myself it's worth it."

I turned and looked into her eyes and saw a tear roll down her face. I was so confused I thought she would just rip me into strips like that. But, she stopped and started to return to her box like she actually cared for me. Like a normal pirate would do, I started to follow her and see what she was up to in that small box of hers.

At first I saw the box, everything was silent until I her the music go back again. Like nothing happened and she never met me, but I knew she was up to something. But, stupidity comes with a price, everything does. I looked in the box expecting a giant uproar but all I saw was a broken toy crying, hugging herself as if she had regents just like me. Knowing I may get myself killed I said,

"Are you ok? You don't seem like yourself."

Following a powerful, high-pitched scream I heard her say," just go away! I need to be alone!"

At first I was surprised, I never knew a terrible creature like her would be i-

"I can hear you! Don't act so surprised that a monster like me has feelings."

"Ok, but why didn't you kill me, I deserved it!"

"No," she said with that same horrifying scream," Just leave me alone! You would never know what total loss is pie-rat!"

"Yeah, I do! I just lost my love and now I should pay the price even if it means killing myself so she can live life free."

After that all I heard was small sobs until she climbed out of her box and was 2 inches in front of my face. I saw her about to yell at me but, she stopes and fell to the ground.

"No, you don't know what you lost because you haven't lost it! She's still alive coward, and she is waiting for a hero!"

"What?! She's still ALIVE!"

"Yes, why did you think she died, you need faith in yourself a-"

She stopped as if she remembered something.


"What, what's wrong!"

She touched my chest and a wave of memory's hit her.

"This is not right, all this is wrong."

"What?! What is going on!"

"You have the Spes memoria virus!"

"Specs memoria virus! What is that!?"

"It makes you have fake memories and only leaves the pain you caused. Where did you get this?"

"I don't know, would you think I would know about that, never!"

"No, you got it from someone. Who were you with about an hour ago, this virus is still fresh."

I thought and thought until I knew and I hesitated to say her name.

"Mang- I have to find her, now! Do you know where she's at?"

"Yes, but y-"

"Show me now!"

"Wait you still have the virus. We need to remove it, it should be easy since it hasn't grown."


"No, you need to stay here for at least an hour to remove the virus or it will spread and all you would remember is pain."

"What happens if I leave now and not let you help me?"

"All your memories will turn into regret. Slowly and steadily you will tear yourself apart and all would need is love to let you escape."

"Then I have to help her, now!"

"No, you will just spread the virus, just stop!"


"Trust me I know, but compared to me you lost nothing!"


I hesitated and wondered did she lose more than me? But the only way to know is to discover. I looked in to her salted eyes and asked,

"what happened?"

She took a breath knowing this was the day and said,

"It all started when a little girl died...

The Mangle Virus (Original) Mangle x FoxyWhere stories live. Discover now