Chapter Forty-Eight

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Chapter Forty-Eight

The good thing about battles that were planned beforehand was that everyone knew it was coming. They stood expectantly, palming weapons, flexing their muscles, magic rippling in the air and giving it a static charge that made the hairs on my arms stand on end.

And currently, the battlefield on Atlantis was vibrating with energy. The air was thick and warm, the sun rising high in the sky overhead, and in the distance, the Atlantean forests coated the mountains that looked more like hills from this distance. A ways behind us, the ocean waves crashed to shore, the sound of them like war cries as they collapsed on the beach, then drew back for another breath before heaving it onto the white sands.

No one spoke.

Not even Hades, who stood to my left in his black battle suit. It hugged every dip and curve of his muscles, the armored plating caught the light of the sun, was so black that it became a hue of rainbow colors at just the right moment. His hair was tied in a loose braid that fell over his shoulder, and a pair of sunglasses to shield his sensitive blue eyes from the brilliant afternoon sun.

At his side was Lucifer, dressed in the same style battle suit, with red tint and stitching. His wavy blonde hair was swept back from his face, parted at the side, his stubbled jaw locked tight, those celestial blue eyes scanning the empty fields ahead of us. And he stood so close to Hades, they might as well be holding hands... or be joint at the hips.

To my right stood Xiphrus, his battlesuit catching the light and the white geometric stitching seemed to almost glow against the fierce black, black that matched his hair tied back, his blue eyes warily scanning the skies as if expecting an air drop.

On his other side stood Arikos, wearing his Hellion uniform and with his black hair wild as ever, sticking up around a face that meant blood, those silver eyes swirling, surrounded by thick black eyeliner, that made those eyes seem even more chilling.

I glanced at the rest of the troops. Set and Mictlan were present on the other side of our troops, commanding their own forces, dressed in their own colors. Not far from them stood Poseidon, Dimosia, and Karnaj. And down the line from there, Atlantean gods, Greek gods, a couple of Egyptian and Aztec. Directly behind me, the sons of Hades and the children of Lucifer, dressed and ready to battle with their weapon holsters packed tight and magic brewing just below the surface. And much to my surprise, Theo was actually quiet for once. His fingers twitched near his sides, his red eyes scanning the field, and there was a slight tilt to his lips that spoke of a thrill for the coming battle.

And in front of me stood Hannibal with Akin to one side and Lea to the other, and fuck, it was a mind trip to see them standing together as a trio before us.

Hannibal stood tall and proud with his head held up, the black hair swept back from his face by a gust of wind that sailed through the troops, revealing the milky white eye with an angry scar slicing through it down to his lips. He wore the Atlantean battle suit designed by Hades, black with gold tribal designs spanning his padded biceps and down his sides to his hips and along his legs.

Akin wore a battlesuit custom designed, the whitest white I'd ever seen that made him glow like the angel he was, his blonde hair tied back in a partial ponytail while the rest fell over his shoulders.

Lea's battle suit matched that of her son's, black and gold, and hugged every curve of her body. Her long curly black hair was pulled back tight from her face in a high ponytail with a few braids blended in, appearing almost unruly yet somehow elegant.

I took the sight in, then closed my eyes and took in the sounds. The sound of the waves crashing behind us, the wind ruffling hair, boots smashing down grass and crunching on dirt. The smells of the ocean, salty and crisp, the smell of sweat, dirt, grass. The feel of the warm tropical air wrapping around us, brushing my skin, like unseen fingers caressing my cheeks. The taste of salt in the air. I focused on the sensation of all the power emitting from the creatures around us, gods, demons, angels, halflings.

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