Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Starkin's death was felt like a gaping hole in the center of our chests.

As were the deaths of the other sixty creatures destroyed by Atlan's attack that day upon the mountain that had been reduced to nothing more than a hill. It was quite a physical representation of the hope within our small community. Several more creatures had defected to Atlan's army with hopes of self-preservation, and I found myself unable to fault them for such a decision. Unfortunately, not many others agreed.

"This is stupid! I say we hunt them down and string up their skeletons as a warning to others!" Shouts of agreement rang up around the midnight fire, the flames rocketing higher into the sky, crackling and hissing encouragingly. I pointed my stare at the one who'd spoken, a creature named Uranus, one of Geara's creations. He was a young god creature, spry and reckless, built like a massive tank with bulging muscles, cropped dark hair, and piercing blue eyes. A scar split through his left eye and down to his jawline, where his teeth were bared.

"I say we punish those fool enough to betray us! Pray death upon those who defy the Source!" Another creature called out in agreement, bringing with him another deafening roar of bloodthirst. Over a dozen creatures were picking up their weapons and pumping them toward the cosmos that glittered and glowed overhead, watching with silent disapproval. Of course, not all the creatures were calling for the blood of those who'd left us.

The creature called Ra simply watched the flames crack and pop, his lean muscular arms resting across his knees, his lips pressed into a firm line, long black hair draped over his shoulders, and golden eyes flickering with the flames, as if he was part of them. I could sense his anger, his frustration, not only with the enemy, but our own troops as well.

He knew as well as I did that Atlan simply existing was riling the universe up. His defiance infuriated the traditionalists, his violence infuriated the peaceful ones. Atlan simply had to exist and he was poisoning all those who heard his name.

"What say you, god killer," Uranus said suddenly, turning to one of the quieter creatures who sat on the sidelines with the rest of us, "Mayhap you conjure the abilities that killed your own blood for a purpose aside from such?" A hiss rose up through the crowd, followed by several mocking chuckles, and I narrowed my eyes, both on Uranus, and the creature he directed his cruel words to.

The creature was referred to as god killer, and only god killer, and when asked his name, he simply responded with "god killer". He was created by the Source, shortly after my siblings and I. Unfortunately, his creation had come so abruptly and so powerfully, it'd killed the brothers and sisters he'd been born with. He was also well known for golden shackle restraints that could drain the power of most creatures, most excluding my siblings and I.

He was small, though. Clearly the creature was starving himself, rarely eating, yet his bones held to skin with tight hard muscles. He was very thin, gaunt, despite his muscle mass, and his blonde hair was yanked back into a tight ponytail, exposing a mild widow's peak and blue eyes that glowed like the celestial life force over our heads. Though, even with an appearance as frail and weak, neither of those things was he. He'd revealed himself to be quite battle worthy, particularly with his bare fists.

But there was a deep sated anger in his attacks. He fought with harsh fury that he dared not unleash upon us, but rather the enemy. It certainly was not the innocent sweetness the creature had had when I had first stumbled upon him bathing in the lake near our former home.

"Leave him be," Death said from his spot behind me, standing with his arms folded over his chest, "You spout violent nonsense, much like he whom we fight to destroy. Perhaps you and he share the quality of brainless battle." Several of the males sucked their breathes in, a few chuckled, and the god killer kept his eyes on the ground. Uranus turned a slow circle to pin Death with a menacing glare.

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