Chapter Forty-Seven

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Chapter Forty-Seven

Leaving Hades and Lucifer to hopefully make up, I made my way to Athena's office with the intention to ask for a bunk in the soldier's quarters. I realized upon leaving the room that I had nowhere to go, nowhere to change into my uniform and while I was more than certain this was our last battle approaching and housing was the least of my problems, it would still be nice to know there was a bed waiting for me somewhere.

I went up several flights via elevator and found Athena's office. A massive round room with a gorgeous view of the mountainside, almost like a slice of heaven with clouds very softly touched by the gold of sunlight rising. The office itself was typical for a military commander, sterile, clean, perfect, save for a couple of photos of family members on her desk and a couple of colorful throw pillows in the chairs.

"St. John," Athena greeted me, looking up from her computer with a tired smile, "I was actually looking for you." I smiled at that, taking a seat across from her desk.

"I was tending to some business," I answered, and Athena nodded, her expression becoming concerned now as she leaned forward on the desk.

"How is Zeus? I didn't have a chance to ask Hades when I saw him earlier. He seemed preoccupied." I'll say, I thought, averting my eyes before shaking my head at Athena.

"He's alright. Stable anyway. He won't be able to fight, that's for sure," I responded. Athena relaxed to a degree and nodded, sitting back in her seat.

"That's good," she said, then paused, tapping her fingernail on the arm of her chair, "He dropped Zeus in the middle of the square. He wanted people to see what he was capable of doing." I nodded grimly.

"Yes, Atlan likes to make a show of everything," I said. And it was more than just scaring the Olympians; it was also about humiliating Zeus. The sight of their king in shambles would make them question Zeus's power, his ability to rule. And they were already on shaky ground after Lucifer's reveal. Something told me that Zeus throne was in danger, and not just by Atlan.

Not wanting to think about the dangers that came with the repercussions of Atlan's actions, and Lucifer's, I changed the subject.

"Have we received word on Menoetius?" I asked. Athena shook her head, leaning forward on her desk again to clasp her hands together.

"None. He left while we were busy, and he made sure to avoid the security cameras. We never tagged him because, well, we trusted him. So there's no way for us to contact him or locate him. Hades forbade Hannibal and Arikos from leaving the mountain," she added, making me frown.

"Hades forbade them? Why does something tell me they told him to shove that command up his ass?" I asked. Athena's lips twitched and she inclined her head.

"You know them both well. They want to leave Olympus and go to Menoetius, but we managed to talk Hannibal out of it. We told him we need him to lead the armies into Atlantis. We only received one call from Atlan and that was to locate a spot for the next battle, which I'll have Dimosia and Karnaj give you upon their arrival," she explained. I raised an eyebrow at the mention of the Atlantean deities. Dimosia was the goddess of travelling, winds, and maps. Her son, Karnaj, was the god of soldiers and hope. A good combination to have, especially in this battle.

"So then Lea has prepared the troops, I take it," I said, and Athena nodded.

"Dimosia and Karnaj will relay all the information to you and Poseidon, who should be meeting you guys down in the twelfth meeting room on the second floor. After that, we'll head out," she informed. I nodded in understanding and rose to my feet, only to pause.

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