Chapter 22: Fried Chicken

Start from the beginning

"Baby I can't tell you right now okay,"

"Not even a name?" I said, the first words I'd directly spoken to her in 2 and a half days,

"Not...okay...his name is..."

"Babe I'm just..." Dad said walking in and interrupting Mum, "Oh Keane, I didn't know you were in here. How is Tayte feeling?"

"Better thank you"

"I am just going to pop to the shop for some eggs, did you want to come?" he asked,

"I'm good Dad, I'm going to help Mum with dinner, minus the egg part" I said, he smiled,

"I won't be long" he said and left the room. I sat at the breakfast bar,

"Do you know what's in the envelope?" I asked, "The one that this mystery guy gave me"

"I don't know Keane and look, you are going to find out, but not yet. But all I will tell you is that his name is...his name is..."

"Mum don't tell me. Whatever, I'm used to secrets, you've been keeping them your whole life. I don't know why I thought this would be any different"

"You have to trust me, please Keane. I know that it's hard for you to do that, especially for me, but I swear on my life that when you need to know, you will and that he is just looking out for us"

"Time will tell" I said, "Let's hope it does"

I didn't leave then, I did help her prepare dinner, then when Dad came back with the eggs, I made the fried chicken, well, I seasoned them, dipped them in the egg and coated them with breadcrumbs and passed them over to Mum who was frying them,

"Anything I can do?" Dad asked,

"Lay the table and get the condiments out, we're having fried chicken, rice and sweetcorn" Mum replied, he saluted her and began to get the cutlery out,

"I'm going to check on Tayte" I said, whilst washing my hands,

"I appreciate your help and thank you peach" Mum said, I nodded and ran off upstairs,

"How long have I been asleep?" Tayte asked after I'd woken him up,

"A few hours, how are you feeling?"

"Much better, your 24/7 care has nursed me back to health" he answered and then said," What's wrong with you? You look troubled. Did your Mum tell you about that guy?" I smiled at how well he knew me,

"I'm fine and no she didn't, she said when I need to know I will,"

"In other words she's bullshitting you"

"I'm actually sick to death of it all, I'll just pretend I'm okay with it, for everyone's sake"

"That sounds like a sensible idea" he answered, I sighed,

"Dinner will be ready in 2 minutes" Angelo said, stood in the doorway,

"Thanks Angelo," he smiled and walked off,

"Dinner already. What even is the time?" Tayte said,


"I might pass and go back to sleep"

"I cooked dinner, so you will be coming down to eat it"

"Oh did you now"

"Most of it"

"What are we having?"

"Fried chicken, done by my fair hands, rice and sweetcorn"

"Maybe I am a little hungry," he smiled getting up, he headed into the bathroom and then we went down stairs a few minutes later,

"Are you feeling better?" Noah asked,

"I am thanks"

"You look better" Mum said, we all sat down and Mum brought in the dish full of fried chicken,

"Looks good" Noah said,

"Keane made it, so no doubt it will be" Mum told everyone,

"Of course it won't be as good as yours Angelo, Noah lets us know that whenever we cook, that it isn't up to your standards" Tayte said,

"Not going to deny it, because I do say it" Noah said,

"You are so bad," I laughed as we all tucked into scoop fulls of rice and lots of tasty fried chicken,

"Hmm, maybe I take it back, this is delicious," Noah said, "Did you make pudding as well?"

"No sorry to disappoint"

"But I picked up a chocolate brownie pudding cake" Dad said,

"Result" Noah shouted punching the air,

"You are so easily pleased" I said,

"Like that's a bad thing" he retorted, I smiled,

"So what is planned for the rest of the evening?" Dad asked,

"I plan on going to bed" I said, "With Tayte, a glass of wine and some cheeseburger Doritos, those things are amazing"

"I like that plan, slumber party in Keane and Tayte's room," Noah said,


"Yes," He grinned,

"We don't have any Doritos Keane" Mum said,

"Well my evening is now ruined"

"We have wine though and you can replace the Doritos with those Mexican salted crisps you like, we have them" Mum told me,

"Deal" Noah said, "Parents you are welcome too"

"Excuse me, whose evening are you crashing?"


"Exactly and you self-invited yourself too"

"What exactly are you getting at?" he asked, squinting at me,

"Nothing, Nothing at all" I said and Tayte laughed,

"You really have perked up" Angelo said to Tayte,

"And I am so glad of the fact" he answered.


9.30pm came around and Tayte, Noah, Angelo and I were crashed out on my bed watching old re runs of The Mentalist, drinking wine and eating crisps. The parents decided they were going to go to the cinema last minute so they booked a 9.15pm film to see who knows what and left. They were living it large, living in the moment.

"I can't believe we're going back home on Sunday" Noah said, "Would it have really been a month?"

"Well this is the third week away. You had a week in Windsor as we did London and then we went to Northern Ireland, that was another week and this is the third"

"I thought we were staying in England for a month?"

"Mum and Dad probably have something else planned before we fly back to America"

"Like what?"

"I don't know Noah"

"Oh," he said, "Well, I think it's been nice and I told you that things would all be fine. Everything will be okay from now on"

Tayte looked at me. But I couldn't meet his eyes, because despite Noah's words and despite having a half decent time in England.

I knew, that the feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I knew that all those voices.

I knew that those dreams.

Were all about to get very real.


So short! I am sorry!

Will make it up next week. Maybe with a cheeky surprise update!

Next update: Next Fridayyy


Copyright © Georgia T R Wing

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