*Viktor Nikiforov{1/2}

Start from the beginning

All this time M/n asked himself why he still stayed, why he put up with Viktor, why he didn't just end their "relationship" and leave. The answer, always being complicated and unreasonable...

I can't...

"What do you mean you can't?" "Yes you can." "Just tell him already."

I want to...but I can't...

"You're just being unreasonable." "You're just playing stupid." "Are you fucking stupid or do you like the way he treats you?"

I desperately want to...but..I...can't...

Viktor won't allow it... No way was M/n leaving him...

"But didn't you say he broke up with you?"

Yes..but he apologized and took me back..

"Why would he do that?" "You should've left!"

He did it because he doesn't want me to leave him... If I left... He would've found me...sooner or later...

Viktor would always play the same game. Distance himself from his lover, insult his lover, have an affair, get annoyed at his lover, break up with his lover, take back his lover, love his lover for once, and start all over again.. If M/n even mentioned the thought of breaking up, the silver haired male would flip and start to cry, pleading for M/n not to leave him and that he would change.

"Why do you always fall for his bullshit?" "Why can't you just man up and leave the fucker?!" "You can do better than him!"

I don't fall for his bullshit... I can't "man up" and leave him.. I know that I can do better than him..

"You just won't ever understand!"

No... You won't ever understand...

"Yuuri~ come on just this one time~!"

"Viktor, you know I have to rest and take care of myself for the free skate in after tomorrow."

"Don't be a stick in the mud vozlyublennaya~."
{Love, Dear}

'Vozlyublennaya... I remember when he used to call me that...' M/n thought bitterly as he slipped his (color) ice skates off to put on his (color) (Vans/Supra/Adidas/etc..) shoes.

"You sure I can't make 'em kiss the floor?" His blond haired coach asked with a scowl on his face as he glared at the Russian male and the Japanese male.

"I don't want my coach to get arrested for assault and have a tainted name because of me.. Besides, Yuuri isn't at fault here, it's not like he's the one initiating everything.." M/n explained as he finished tying his shoes.

"Yeah, but Yuuri sure as hell is reciprocating the damn feelings." The pale male grunted as he turned to face the H/l H/c male.

"Oh really? I didn't know.." M/n said sarcastically with a pained smile.

"I know you hate it when I say this, but you have to end everything with him. It's already been more than five years since you've been with him in this fucked up relationship!" The Korean male fumed quietly as M/n sighed heavily as put his skates in his (color) backpack.

"Ye-Jun... You know it isn't simple.. My attempts always fa short in getting to him and he always finds a way to play the victim.." M/n started as he stood up."But for the sake of the competition and my life, I will try my hardest." M/n said.

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