Yes, My Lord. VI.II

Start from the beginning

The last words he spoke to Sebastian kept ringing through his mind.

Fine then! You can just go to hell for all I care!

He repeated them over and over, continuing to regret that word choice. How long would Sebastian's body wait here? How long would it take before he was completely withered away? How long did it take for the demonic body to die? Did Ciel help him? Do him a favor? With Sebastian unconscious he wouldn't have to deal with the rotting of his wouldn't be as painful. That was his only comfort in this terrible experience...that maybe Sebastian was able to rest in peace after all.

Ah, but wait.

Ciel had never thought about the possibility for him to bring Sebastian's body to hell. What if there was a way he could? Would that be better or worse than watching him decompose here? Surely there wasn't anything that could hurt him...

Ciel, with this new-found idea to bring Sebastian's body back to hell, searched for a way to go. Sebastian had briefly mentioned how to do this before...if only he could remember. Why hadn't he paid attention better? There were so many things Ciel wished that he did.

The previous earl tried hard to remember all that Sebastian had taught him. He learned it, of course he learned it, so where was the information in his mind? Where could he attain that information again? There wasn't any other demon alive around him that he could ask.

With no one to help him, and no memories to contribute to this question...Ciel could only search within his demon intuition. He could only guess as to what he could do. Perhaps he could figure it out in some way on his own, like a superhero does when they train for a new special ability. Maybe this was much the same? CIel could only hope.

The days continued to pass, each day Ciel would stay in that room with Sebastian trying to search for a way to hell, within himself. One such day, an idea came to him. He didn't have a contract symbol...Sebastian had one, he knew that from the previous earl's very own eye but Ciel did not have such a mark. Was that needed in order to go to hell? Was that the reason Sebastian had wanted to teach him how to take souls? Maybe...maybe that was one of the wasn't just that Ciel would take the soul...but more of that he would create his own mark of the beast.

Yes, that had to be it. The previous earl went down into the basement, he looked through his various notes and things and tried to find a mark that he enjoyed from various models. How does a demon go about making their contract symbol? How should he do that? Taking the different symbols that he liked, he made one for himself by combining all of them. Ciel's mark turned out to be a very elaborate design, much like the intricateness of Sebastian's, however they were in no way the same.

Ciel went back to the room with Sebastian in it and drew his new symbol all over the floor. How could he bond this to himself? Was there some special way to do this? Perhaps not, demons weren't exactly very complex like that. Once Ciel had decided that this mark would be his, that was all he needed to do, just make that silent pact with himself, a mark to set him apart from the rest of the demons (if there were any demons other than him).

The previous earl then picked up Sebastian's body from his bed. It had been there for so long that the sheets still held his body shape. How odd. It was kind of beautiful to Ciel in a way, it symbolized that time that he had spent being with Sebastian's body in this room. Although it was weird, he still had a sense to respect that.

Since Ciel couldn't carry Sebastian well in this form, he ended up dragging the body off the bed and onto his newly made demon mark. Now that he had made it this far, what else was he supposed to do? How did he go to the next step? How did he get to hell from here?

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