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I'm afraid.
I'm not sure.

Am I that terrible person? Making people to be fckingly worried about it? Am I that manipulative? :/

I feel bad for not considering what did I say. It's just few of words that I just thought it's okay.

Yea, I'm totally okay with that.

But not for them.

And I ended up getting messages like 'are you okay? are you not having stomachache?'

And I was even pm-ed not to make her worry.

What am I doing? I thought once again about what did I do just now.

"Don't make her over-worried,"

I don't even know why. I just want to help them not to let the food left behind.

Or is it me that low key being a useless person?

Am I being too dense? Guess so.

I should've not to tell her everything. I just thought that at least she doesn't have to worry about me when listening to my voice.

Ironically, I guess my choice of words turned out worse. 

Indeed, I feel useless over this. :(

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