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3 years later.

Gray Fullbuster and Natsu Dragneel were living in the same house.

Everything went as it when Erza was there for him.

The morning amusement of the headlines, the wheezing of the kettle, the sizzling of the eggs and the incessant nattering of television gossip.

Gray was happy, he didn't forget Erza nor was he angry at her for not coming to meet him for straight three years, however, he knew. That one day she would catch the last flight home and surprise him at his door.

Nevertheless, not a day passed for Natsu with a deep feeling of sadness of Gray.

No matter how much he wanted to tell him that his Erza was dead, that she was no longer connected to this world, the happy, bright face of Gray Fullbuster would stop him.

Because when he first met him, he was mirthless, depressed and dejected by the world but now, he had a voice.

Not the one to tune or sing, but the one to easily communicate with others through sign language.

An invisible yet powerful voice.

He could have just said it, sure, and Gray would cry a day or two or three or four weeks, but seeing Gray; seeing his sunshine like smile and in the end, all he would say is that "Being a singer isn't easy, let's just wait for her."

And that's the second mistake Natsu ever regrets saying.

The lie kept on prolonging, each day, each month and each year, it kept on building yet he didn't have the courage to break down that wall.

"I'm sorry...Gray." Natsu used to mutter every day.

Slowly and then all at once, the remorse ate him from inside.

Regret (A Grayza One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now