"No!" I shouted as I banged on the wall, forgetting I had a ring on my finger. I shook my hand in annoyance and pain for a moment. I closed my eyes as she gave me an odd look. "It's not about that, okay?"

"Then what is it?" She questioned, getting annoyed with me.

"Don't worry about it, I promise to get my head back on my shoulders. I'm fine, really so no more fretting over it, okay?" I gave her a fake smile to seal the deal. She shook her head, let out a breath, and stood up. What surprised me was that she gave me a very... awkward hug, with me standing there confused and well just surprised by it. Finally she let me go and opened the door.

"Well, let's go finish the photo shoot then, alright?" She beamed at me. I nodded as I followed her out the door and down the eerie hallway. The uneasiness crept back into my chest, making me feel as if I couldn't my breath as painful memories of that night flooded my mind.

"Lyn?" Michelle's voice rang in my ear once more. I snapped out it, giving her a smile as we walked into the well lit room where the photographer was waiting rather impatiently.

"Sorry, just a small headache from the lights. Are you ready?" I asked the guy who looked as if he wanted to cut off my face.

"Obviously, I've been waiting for you!" He yelled at me. I mentally scoffed at this ass hole while I offered him a smile and stepped into the manmade light.

---week later---

"Do we have the photo's ready or what?" A woman said who was sitting there at the head of the overly sized conference room table. I leaned back in the overpriced desk chair as I watched her glare at me while Michelle passed her the giant yellow envelope.  The bitch of a woman, who by the way was the owner of the Agency, anyway, opened it rather quickly. She spread the photos before her, going through each one.

"What do you think?" Michelle carefully asked. The woman didn't even bother to look up from the pictures as she rummaged through them. Michelle looked over to me then to man next to her who I didn't even recognize.

"They're boring." Was all she said as she pushed them away. I rolled my eyes as I pulled out my iPhone to play some angry birds.

"Michelle grabbed the photo's going through them quickly as she looked back up to the boss lady. "I don't understand..." She whined, "How are they boring? Hugo said that they were his best so far." Michelle took a glance at Hugo as he just sat there confused as to why the owner hated his worker, looking through some of the pictures as well.

"They're just boring." She went on, "They look all the same as any of his other pictures. The clothing is boring and plain, maybe look into finding a new clothing designer or consultant. Or find a new photographer..." She snorted as she took a look at Hugo. I looked over to the photo fag and almost burst into laughter as his jaw dropped.

"But you were the one that wanted us to use the designer in the first place?" The man said. I shifted my eyes to him. The boss lady just clicked her tongue as we all watched her personal slave whisper in her ear.

"I have other meetings to attend. I'm giving you one week Michelle to get this... problem solved or you're fired." She glared at all four of us as her and her little slave walked out of the room. I sat in silence, placing my phone back onto the table as I observed everyone in the room. Hugo, the photographer, looked like her had just witnessed a murder. The unknown guy just looked slightly uncomfortable and stressed out. Finally, my eyes fell on probably the most stressed one. Michelle was banging her head up and down on the table.

So, I did what I did best in situations like these; I stood up and headed for the door. "Where do you think you're going?" I turned to see Michelle eyes on me. Her hair was a mess from where her fingers dug in.

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