Author's note

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Hey guys! I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH on your support for the story. 

A few of you have been asking for a sequel, but I am sorry to say that this was only meant to be one novel from the very beginning and it will stand alone. 

However, I started a new story called The Footprints We Leave that I think you guys will definitley like so check that out:)

Again thank you so much on all the votes, comments, and reads. I know that I did not always repsond to the comments and I might have taken a while to get a chapter up, but you guys kept on reading and that means so much to me!

I will miss writing Violet's story along with the other characters, but I just want you guys to know that I loved writing it and am just as sad as you are that it is ending. 

Another note I want to add is that even though this is purely fiction, events like these do happen to many people out there. 

The Clothesline Project is a real organization that came to my school and promoted awarness for sexually abused women throughout the United States and if you ever get a chance to check them out you should because some things that they say and do truly make you think about theses things and the bravery women have to be able to make the shirts and share their stories for everyone to see.

There is a link on the side of their wedsite if you would like to check it out.

Thanks again and be sure to sneak a peek at my next story: The Footprints We Leave. It is my first novel from a guy's perspective so let me know how I do:)

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